CSAT 2020

Q. The letters from A to Z are numbered from 1 to 26 respectively. If GHI = 1578 and DEF = 912, then what is ABC equal to?

(a) 492
(b) 468
(c) 262
(d) 246
Correct Answer: (d) 246

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 

ghi=1578 def=912 abc= ?

ABC = 123
DEF = 456
GHI = 789

ABC: 123 × 2 = 246
DEF: 456 × 2 = 912
GHI: 789 × 2 = 1578

Pattern: Each three-letter group when doubled gives the result shown on the right side.

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