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Q: Analyze critically David Morgan’s views on family practices.​

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David Morgan on Family Practices

David Morgan, a prominent sociologist, is well-known for his work on family practices and the sociology of family life. He is particularly renowned for his focus on ‘family practices’ and the ‘doing’ of family life, rather than traditional structural definitions of what constitutes a family.

Morgan’s Concept of Family Practices

Morgan’s concept of family practices is a shift from the traditional structural view of family, which focuses on family as a unit and its functions. Instead, he concentrates on the activities that constitute family life. These practices are not just about what families do but also about how they think and feel about what they do. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of family life, acknowledging diversity and change over time.

Morgan’s Argument on Family Life

Morgan argues that family life is not a static entity but a set of ongoing processes and practices. It includes everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, caring for children, and even less tangible aspects like maintaining emotional bonds, communication, and shared values.

Critique of Morgan’s Views

While Morgan’s perspective offers a fresh and dynamic understanding of family life, it has been subject to criticism. One major critique is that it tends to downplay structural factors like social class, gender, and ethnicity that significantly shape family practices. For instance, the practice of caring for children is deeply influenced by gender norms, with women often shouldering a disproportionate burden.

Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Family Practices

Similarly, socioeconomic status can impact family practices. Families from lower economic backgrounds might have different practices compared to those from higher economic backgrounds. For example, the practice of dining out regularly might be common among affluent families but rare among lower-income families.

Power Dynamics within Families

Morgan’s approach also tends to overlook power dynamics within families. It assumes a level of agency and choice in ‘doing’ family life that may not exist for all family members. For instance, in patriarchal families, women may have limited say in family practices.

The Importance of Family as a Structural Unit

Lastly, the focus on practices might overlook the importance of family as a structural unit. Despite changes in family forms, the family as an institution continues to have significant social, legal, and economic implications.


An example of Morgan’s concept of family practices can be seen in the case of single-parent families. Instead of defining family based on the presence of two parents, Morgan would focus on the practices that single parents engage in to create a sense of family, such as shared meals, bedtime stories, and holiday traditions.

Another example could be seen in the case of LGBTQ+ families. Traditional structural definitions of family might exclude these families, but Morgan’s approach acknowledges them through their practices of care, love, and mutual support.


In conclusion, while David Morgan’s views on family practices provide a dynamic and inclusive understanding of family life, it is crucial to balance this with an acknowledgment of structural factors and power dynamics that shape these practices.

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