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Q: Discuss social mobility in open and closed system.
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Social Mobility: Open and Closed System
Social mobility refers to the movement of individuals or groups within a society’s hierarchical structure. This concept is crucial in understanding the dynamics of social stratification in both open and closed systems.
In open systems:
• Social mobility is more fluid and based on achievement rather than ascription.
• Individuals can move up or down the social ladder based on their abilities, efforts, and accomplishments.
• Industrial and capitalist societies tend to have more open systems, allowing for greater vertical mobility.
• As Anthony Giddens notes, the amount of vertical mobility is a major index of a society’s openness.
• Factors like education, skills, and economic opportunities play a significant role in facilitating mobility.
• Examples include a factory worker’s child becoming a doctor or an entrepreneur rising to become a business tycoon.
In closed systems:
• Social mobility is limited, with status primarily determined by birth or ascribed characteristics.
• The Indian caste system is often cited as an example of a closed system.
• Mobility, if it occurs, is usually positional – movement within a stratum rather than between strata.
• Power and privileges are often protected by those at the top, preventing entry from lower groups.
• Change in such systems is typically slow and restricted.
However, as Henry M. Johnson points out, absolute immobility is impossible due to factors like demographic changes, technological advancements, and personal ambition.
In conclusion, while open systems facilitate greater social mobility through achievement and opportunity, closed systems restrict it through rigid hierarchies. However, some degree of mobility exists in all societies due to inevitable social and economic changes.
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