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Q: Discuss the nature of regional variations in sex ratio in India, stating reasons thereof.

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Model Answer:

Regional Variations in India’s Sex Ratio: Nature and Reasons

The sex ratio in India, defined as the number of females per 1000 males, shows significant regional variations, reflecting complex social, economic, and cultural factors influencing gender dynamics across the country.

Regional variations are evident, with southern and northeastern states generally having higher sex ratios, while northwestern states like Punjab and Haryana depict significantly lower figures. The 2011 Census illustrates this disparity, with Kerala reporting 1084 females per 1000 males, in stark contrast to Haryana (879) and Punjab (895).

Factors contributing to these disparities in sex ratio include:

1. Cultural Practices and Patriarchy: Northern India’s stronger patriarchal norms, noted by Leela Dube, result in son preference and practices like female infanticide and sex-selective abortions.

2. Economic Factors: Agrarian economies in the north emphasize male land inheritance. Southern states have more matrilineal communities, as studied by M.N. Srinivas, leading to better sex ratios.

3. Literacy and Education: Higher female literacy rates in southern states contribute to better awareness and empowerment, reducing gender-based discrimination.

4. Government Policies and Health Care: Effective policy implementation and better healthcare access in certain regions improve female survival rates.

5. Urbanization and Modernization: Paradoxically, some urbanized regions show poor sex ratios due to misuse of sex determination technologies. This reflects Amartya Sen’s concept of “missing women” in economically advanced areas.

Addressing these disparities requires multifaceted approaches, including challenging patriarchal norms, enforcing laws against sex-selective practices, and promoting female education and empowerment.

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