CSAT 2024


Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world,

it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach were imposed on their precincts. The backbone of the systems theory is the process of translating social, spatial and cultural desirables into mathematical models using computing, statistics, optimization and an algorithmic way of formulating and solving problems. The early universities of the West which began to train professionals in planning, spawned some of the most ingenious planners, who were experts in these domains. This was because these very subjects were absorbed into the planning curriculum that had its roots in the social sciences, geography and architecture. Planning in India, and its education differ from the West.

Q1. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the above passage?
a) Curriculum for urban planning courses should have diverse and interdisciplinary approach.
b) In India, city administration is under bureaucracy which lacks formal training in urban planning and management.
c) In India, the management of urban areas is a local affair with a chronic problem of insufficient funds.
d) With high density of population and widespread poverty in our urban areas, planned development in them is very difficult.
Correct answer: a) Curriculum for urban planning courses should have diverse and interdisciplinary approach.

Q2. Based on the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
1. India needs a new generation of urban professionals with knowledge relevant to modern urban practice.
2. Indian universities at present have no capacity or potential to impart training in systems approach.

Which of the assumptions given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Correct answer: a) 1 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT

Explanation :Β 

Q1 Analysis:
1. The passage discusses how iconic Western cities benefited from systems approach planning
2. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of planning education in Western universities, combining:
– Computing and statistics
– Social sciences
– Geography
– Architecture
3. The passage contrasts this with India’s different approach
4. Looking at the options, (a) is the most logical inference because:
– The passage shows success coming from diverse expertise
– It demonstrates how combining multiple disciplines led to effective planning
– Other options (b, c, d) discuss issues not directly supported by the passage

Q2 Analysis:
1. For Assumption 1: “India needs new urban professionals with modern knowledge”
– This is reasonable given the passage states India’s planning differs from the West
– The passage shows how Western success came from well-trained professionals
– This assumption aligns with the passage’s implications

2. For Assumption 2: “Indian universities have no capacity for systems approach”
– The passage only states that Indian planning education differs
– It doesn’t suggest Indian universities lack capacity or potential
– This is too extreme an assumption not supported by the text

– Answer (a) “1 only” is correct because while Assumption 1 can be reasonably inferred, Assumption 2 goes beyond what the passage supports.

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