CSAT 2020

Q. Although most of the Genetically Modified (GM) crops cultivated now are genetically engineered for a single trait, in future, crops genetically engineered for more than one trait will be the norm.

Thus, biotechnology’s role in agriculture and the regulation or the same cannot be understood solely in the context of the current generation of GM crops. Instead, there is a need to take a comprehensive look, taking into account various aspects Including socio-economic impacts, so that the potential or the technology can be harnessed while minimizing negative impacts. Given the importance of biotechnology in developing varieties that can help in climate change mitigation and adaptation, not using biotechnology as a part of the climate change action plan cannot be an option. Domestic regulation of biotechnology cannot be viewed in isolation of trade policy and obligations under various international treaties and conventions.

Q1. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
1. Biotechnology regulation is an evolving process.
2. Participation of people is needed in policy decisions regarding biotechnology regulation.
3. Biotechnology regulation should take into account socio-economic aspects in decision-making.
4. Wider involvement of political executive in biotechnology regulation improves its effectiveness in dealing with the country’s trade Policies and international obligations.
Which of the above assumptions are valid?
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Correct Answer: (b) 1 and 3 only

Q2. Which one of the following statements best implies the crux of the passage? 
(a) Precautionary principle is not given importance in current debate on developing GM crops.
(b) Biotechnology is not currently used in climate change mitigation and adaptation mechanisms.
(c) Biotechnology’s role is not confined to the current priorities of developing GM crops.
(d) The negative Impacts of not biotechnology are properly understood.
Correct Answer: (c) Biotechnology’s role is not confined to the current priorities of developing GM crops.

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 

Q1 – Statement 1 is correct, the author is talking about the current and upcoming scenario of biotechnology, hence it can be assumed that biotechnology regulation is an evolving process.
Statement 3 is correct, it is clearly mentioned in the passage that ‘there is a need to take a comprehensive look, taking into account various aspects, including socio-economic impacts’. Hence, the socio-economic aspect can also be taken into account in biotechnology regulations.
Statement 2 is not correct, the author has not mentioned anything about people’s involvement in policy regulation.
Statement 4 is not correct, the author is solely talking about the inward-looking nature of the trade policy, from which we can not assume that it is about the wider involvement of political executive.

Q2 – The crux of the passage is that biotechnology has a significant role in developing crop varieties that can help in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and its regulation needs to take into account various aspects, including socio-economic impacts and international treaties and conventions. Therefore, option (c) “Biotechnology’s role is not confined to the current priorities of developing GM crops” is the correct answer.

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