UPPSC 2024

Q. Consider the following statements regarding Voice of Global South Summit (VOGSS):

1. India recently concluded its 2nd Voice of Global South Summit.
2. The term Global South is related to developed countries.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) Only 2
b) Neither 1 nor 2
c) Only 1
d) Both 1 and 2

Question from UPPSC Prelims 2024

Correct Answer: c) Only 1


The Voice of Global South Summit (VOGSS) is an initiative led by India to bring together countries from the Global South, primarily focusing on the challenges and concerns faced by developing nations.

1. India recently concluded its 2nd Voice of Global South Summit.

– This statement is correct. The 2nd VOGSS was held on November 17, 2023, in a virtual format, following the inaugural summit which took place on January 12-13, 2023.

2. The term Global South is related to developed countries.

– This statement is incorrect. The term Global South refers to developing nations in regions such as Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia, characterized by lower levels of income and development compared to the Global North, which includes developed countries like the United States and those in Europe.

Thus, the answer is: c) Only 1

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