Q. The last end of the state is not to dominate men, nor to restrain them by fear; rather it is so to free each man from fear that he may live and act with full security and without injury to himself or his neighbour. The end of the state, I repeat, is not to make rational beings into brute beasts and machines. It is to enable their bodies and their minds to function safely. It is to lead men to live by, and to exercise, a free reason; that they may not waste their strength in hatred, anger and guile, nor act unfairly toward one another.
Q. Based on the above passage, which one of the following terms best expresses the ultimate goal of the state?
(a) Personal safety
(b) Health of body and mind
(c) Communal harmony
(d) Liberty
Question from UPSC Prelims 2023 CSAT
Model Answer:
Q1: Correct Answer – (d) Liberty
Explanation –
The passage emphasizes that the ultimate goal of the state is to free each man from fear so that he may live and act with full security and without injury to himself or his neighbour. It also mentions that the state aims to lead men to live by and exercise a free reason. Both these points suggest that the state’s ultimate goal is to provide liberty to its citizens. While personal safety, health of body and mind, and communal harmony are part of this goal, they are not the ultimate goal as per the passage.