UPPSC 2024

Q. Which Amendment Acts deal with local governance institutions in India?

a) 63rd and 64th Amendment Acts
b) 86th and 87th Amendment Acts
c) 42nd and 43rd Amendment Acts
d) 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts

Question from UPPSC Prelims 2024

The correct answer is: d) 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts


– 73rd Amendment Act (1992): This amendment introduced Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), which are decentralized local self-government systems in rural areas. It aimed to empower local rural bodies, ensuring democratic governance and promoting participation from the grassroots level.

– 74th Amendment Act (1992): This amendment focused on Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), such as municipalities. It provided a constitutional framework for the creation, composition, and functioning of these urban local governance institutions, ensuring better urban administration and development.

These two amendments were significant in decentralizing power and promoting local self-governance in both rural and urban areas of India.

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