UPPSC 2024

Q. Which of the following is/are stated in the Constitution of India?

1. The President shall not be a member of either of the Houses of the Parliament.
2. The Parliament shall consist of the President and both Houses.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a) Both 1 and 2
b) Only 2
c) Neither 1 nor 2
d) Only 1

Question from UPPSC Prelims 2024

The correct answer is: a) Both 1 and 2


1. Statement 1: The President shall not be a member of either of the Houses of the Parliament.

– This statement is correct. According to Article 59(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution, the President of India shall not be a member of either House of Parliament or a House of the Legislature of any State. If a person who is a member of any of these bodies is elected as President, they are required to vacate their seat in that body on the date they enter upon their office as President.

2. Statement 2: The Parliament shall consist of the President and both Houses.

– This statement is also correct. As per Article 79 of the Indian Constitution, the Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Housesβ€”namely, the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People). The President is an integral part of the Parliament, even though they are not a member of either House.

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