CSAT 2023

Q. While awareness on use/misuse and abuse of antibiotics is common knowledge, as is the impact of dosing poultry with antibiotics, the environmental impact of companies not antibiotics-manufacturing treating their waste has scarcely been discussed at any length or seriousness thus far. Pollution from antibiotics factories is fuelling the rise of drug-resistant infections. The occurrence of drug-resistant bacteria surrounding the pharma manufacturing plants is well known.

Q. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical and practical message conveyed by the passage? 
(a) It is necessary to put proper effluent treatment protocols in place.
(b) It is necessary to promote environmental awareness among people.
(c) Spread of drug-resistant bacteria cannot be done away with, as it is inherent in modern medical care.
(d) Pharma-manufacturing companies should be set up in remote rural areas, away from crowded towns and cities.

Question from UPSC Prelims 2023 CSAT

Model Answer:

Q1: Correct Answer – (a) It is necessary to put proper effluent treatment protocols in place.

Explanation – 
The passage discusses the environmental impact of antibiotic manufacturing companies not treating their waste properly, leading to pollution and the rise of drug-resistant infections. Therefore, the most practical and logical message conveyed is the need for proper effluent treatment protocols in these companies. The other options do not directly address the main issue discussed in the passage.

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