CSAT 2024

Statement: India is the world’s largest producer of milk.

Conclusion-I: India is the world’s largest exporter of milk.

Conclusion-II: India does not import milk.

Which one of the following is correct?
a) Only Conclusion-I follows
b) Only Conclusion-II follows
c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II follow
d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II follows
Correct answer: d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II follows

Question from UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT

Explanation : 

Conclusion-I: India is the world’s largest exporter of milk.
Analysis: Being largest producer doesn’t mean largest exporter. Production and export are different metrics. India might consume most milk domestically rather than export.

Conclusion-II: India does not import milk.
Analysis: Being largest producer doesn’t mean no imports. A country can both produce and import based on various factors like regional demand and quality requirements.

Answer: d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II follows

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