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Q: What is Taylorism? Analyze its merits and demerits.

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Taylorism, also known as Scientific Management, is a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows. Its main objective is improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th and early 20th century. Taylorism involves a detailed analysis of work processes and tasks, with the aim of breaking these down into smaller, more manageable parts.

Merits of Taylorism:

1. Increased Efficiency: Taylorism places a high emphasis on efficiency and productivity. By breaking down tasks into smaller parts and assigning them to specialized workers, Taylorism can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of work.

2. Cost Reduction: Because of the increased efficiency, companies can produce goods and services at a lower cost. This can lead to increased profits for the company and lower prices for consumers.

3. Predictability and Control: Taylorism allows for greater predictability and control in the workplace. By standardizing work processes and tasks, managers can better predict and control the output of their workers.

4. Skill Development: Taylorism encourages the development of skills among workers. By assigning workers to specialized tasks, they can become experts in their field.

Demerits of Taylorism:

1. Dehumanization: One of the main criticisms of Taylorism is that it can lead to the dehumanization of workers. By breaking down tasks into smaller parts, workers can become like machines, performing the same task over and over again. This can lead to boredom and a lack of job satisfaction.

2. Lack of Creativity: Taylorism discourages creativity and innovation in the workplace. Because tasks are standardized and controlled, there is little room for workers to come up with new ideas or ways of doing things.

3. Worker Exploitation: Taylorism can lead to worker exploitation. Because the focus is on efficiency and productivity, workers can be pushed to work at a pace that is unsustainable or harmful to their health.

4. Resistance to Change: Taylorism can lead to resistance to change. Because tasks and processes are standardized, any changes can be met with resistance from workers who are used to doing things a certain way.


While Taylorism has its merits in terms of increased efficiency and cost reduction, it also has its demerits such as dehumanization of workers and resistance to change. Therefore, while implementing Taylorism, companies need to be mindful of these potential downsides and take steps to mitigate them. This might involve providing workers with more varied tasks, encouraging creativity and innovation, and treating workers with respect and dignity.

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