Prelims 2020 GS Solution

Q. What is the use of biochar in farming?

Q. What is the use of biochar in farming?

1.Biochar can be used as a part of the growing medium in vertical farming.
2.When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it promotes the growth of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.
3.When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it enables the growing medium to retain water for longer time.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer : d) 1, 2 and 3

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Biochar in Vertical Farming

Biochar can be used as a part of the growing medium in vertical farming. This is true. Biochar is a highly porous carbon-rich material obtained from the pyrolysis of organic biomass under limited oxygen conditions. Its structure is beneficial for use in growing mediums because it can help improve soil structure, aeration, and water holding capacity, which are crucial factors in the confined spaces of vertical farming systems.

Promoting Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganisms

When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it promotes the growth of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. This statement is also correct. Biochar has been found to provide a conducive habitat for various microorganisms, including those that fix nitrogen. Its porous structure not only offers shelter but also can help in retaining nutrients that are beneficial for these microorganisms. Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms are essential for converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms that plants can absorb and use, thus enhancing soil fertility and plant growth.

Enhancing Water Retention

When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it enables the growing medium to retain water for a longer time. This is accurate as well. One of the key properties of biochar is its ability to retain water. This is due to its high porosity and large surface area, which can hold water molecules effectively. In farming, especially in conditions where water might be scarce or in systems like vertical farming where efficient water use is crucial, biochar can help in maintaining moisture levels within the growing medium, reducing the need for frequent watering and enhancing drought resistance of the plants.

Therefore, all three statements given about the use of biochar in farming are correct, making option d) 1, 2, and 3 the right answer.

Q. What is the use of biochar in farming? Read More »

Q. Consider the following statements: 1.Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury.

Q. Consider the following statements:

1.Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury.
2.Coal-fired power plants release sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen into the environment.
3.High ash content is observed in Indian coal.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer : d) 1, 2 and 3

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Coal Ash and its Contaminants

Coal ash, the residue left after coal is burned, contains a variety of heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, and mercury. These substances are harmful to human health and the environment. If not properly managed, they can contaminate water sources and soil.

Pollutants Released by Coal-Fired Power Plants

When coal is burned in power plants, it releases various pollutants into the atmosphere. Among these pollutants are sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). SO2 contributes to acid rain and respiratory problems, while NOx plays a significant role in the formation of ground-level ozone and smog, also contributing to respiratory issues.

High Ash Content in Indian Coal

Indian coal is known for its high ash content, often ranging from 30% to 45%. This ash content is significantly higher than that found in coal from many other parts of the world. The high ash content poses challenges for combustion and pollution control in power plants. It also requires more sophisticated handling and disposal methods to manage the large volumes of ash produced.

Q. Consider the following statements: 1.Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury. Read More »

Q. In rural road construction, the use of which of the following is preferred for ensuring environmental sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint?

Q. In rural road construction, the use of which of the following is preferred for ensuring environmental sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint?

1.Copper slag
2.Cold mix asphalt technology
4.Hot mix asphalt technology
5.Portland cement

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1, 2 and 3 only
b) 2, 3 and 4 only
c) 4 and 5 only
d) 1 and 5 only
Correct Answer : a) 1, 2 and 3 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Copper Slag

Copper slag is a by-product of copper extraction. Its use in road construction can be considered environmentally friendly because it recycles a waste product that would otherwise require disposal, potentially in landfills. It can be used as a replacement for sand in concrete mixtures or as a sub-base material in road construction. This contributes to sustainability by reducing the demand for virgin materials.

Cold Mix Asphalt Technology

Cold mix asphalt technology allows for the production and placement of asphalt at lower temperatures compared to traditional hot mix asphalt. The lower temperatures mean that less energy is required for heating, leading to a reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally, cold mix asphalt can often be produced using more recycled materials than hot mix asphalt, further enhancing its environmental benefits.


Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which, when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. They are often made from synthetic polymers (such as polypropylene, polyester, and polyethylene) or natural fibers, and their use in road construction can improve soil stabilization and drainage, reducing the need for natural aggregate materials and promoting longer road life. This can lead to less frequent road repairs and maintenance, indirectly contributing to sustainability.

Hot Mix Asphalt Technology

Hot mix asphalt technology is a traditional method of producing asphalt that involves heating the asphalt binder to decrease its viscosity and mixing it with heated aggregate materials. While effective for creating durable road surfaces, the process is energy-intensive and produces significant carbon emissions. Therefore, it is less preferred from an environmental sustainability perspective compared to cold mix asphalt technology.

Portland Cement

Portland cement is a key ingredient in concrete and is widely used in road construction. However, the production of Portland cement is energy-intensive and generates a significant amount of CO2 emissions. While concrete roads are durable, the environmental impact of cement production makes this option less desirable for reducing carbon footprint.

Given the analysis above, the options that are preferred for ensuring environmental sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint in rural road construction are:

  • Copper slag (1), due to its recycling of waste materials.
  • Cold mix asphalt technology (2), because of its lower energy requirements and potential for using recycled materials.
  • Geotextiles (3), as they can improve road durability and reduce the need for virgin materials.

Therefore, the correct answer is: a) 1, 2, and 3 only

Q. In rural road construction, the use of which of the following is preferred for ensuring environmental sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint? Read More »

Q. Which of the following are the most likely places to find the musk deer in its natural habitat?

Q. Which of the following are the most likely places to find the musk deer in its natural habitat?

1.Askot Wildlife Sanctuary
2.Gangotri National Park
3.Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary
4.Manas National Park

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 3 and 4 only
d) 1 and 4 only
Correct Answer : a) 1 and 2 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Musk Deer and its Habitat

The musk deer, known for its valuable musk pod, is primarily found in the forested and alpine scrub habitats of the Himalayas. Given the options, we need to identify the locations that are part of or close to the Himalayan region and known for their alpine or forested environments where the musk deer could naturally reside.

1. Askot Wildlife Sanctuary

Askot Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Uttarakhand, India, near the Himalayas. It is known for its diverse flora and fauna, which includes a variety of species adapted to the Himalayan environment. It is a plausible habitat for the musk deer due to its location and ecological characteristics.

2. Gangotri National Park

Gangotri National Park is also situated in Uttarakhand, India, and encompasses a significant portion of the upper catchment of the Ganges River. The park is part of the Himalayan region and features rugged terrain with high-altitude forests and meadows. It is an ideal habitat for species like the musk deer.

3. Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary

Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary is part of the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, India. This region is located in the Terai area, far from the Himalayas. It primarily consists of moist deciduous forests and is known for its tiger, leopard, and deer populations, but it is not a typical habitat for the musk deer, which prefers higher altitudes.

4. Manas National Park

Manas National Park is located in Assam, India, at the foothills of the Himalayas. It is known for its rich biodiversity and is a UNESCO Natural World Heritage site. While it is close to the Himalayan region, its elevation and ecological characteristics are quite different from the high-altitude habitats preferred by the musk deer. Manas is more famous for its population of tigers, elephants, and rhinos, among other species.

Given the information and focusing on the natural habitat preferences of the musk deer, the most likely places to find the musk deer in its natural habitat among the given options would be:

  • Askot Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Gangotri National Park

Therefore, the correct answer is a) 1 and 2 only.

Q. Which of the following are the most likely places to find the musk deer in its natural habitat? Read More »

Q. Steel slag can be the material for which of the following?

Q. Steel slag can be the material for which of the following?

1.Construction of base road
2.Improvement of agricultural soil
3.Production of cement

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer : d) 1, 2 and 3

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Steel Slag Applications

1. Construction of Base Road

Steel slag, a byproduct of steel manufacturing, has proven to be a suitable material for the construction of road bases. Its physical properties, including high density, hardness, and angular shape, make it an excellent choice for road construction. The use of steel slag provides strength and durability to the road structure, offering good compaction and load-bearing properties. It is commonly used in base and sub-base layers of roads.

2. Improvement of Agricultural Soil

Steel slag contains essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, which can greatly benefit agricultural soils. It can be utilized to adjust soil pH, improve soil structure, and enhance nutrient availability. These improvements in soil quality can lead to increased crop yields.

3. Production of Cement

Steel slag can also be utilized in the production of cement. It can be used as a raw material in the cement manufacturing process or as a blending material for cement. The inclusion of steel slag in cement contributes to its properties by providing hydraulic reactivity. This reactivity leads to the formation of additional cementitious compounds when mixed with water, resulting in enhanced strength and durability of the cement produced.

Considering the mentioned applications, the correct answer is: d) 1, 2, and 3

Q. Steel slag can be the material for which of the following? Read More »

Q. Which one of the following protected areas is well-known for the conservation of a sub-species of the Indian swamp deer (Barasingha) that thrives well on hard ground and is exclusively graminivorous?

Q. Which one of the following protected areas is well-known for the conservation of a sub-species of the Indian swamp deer (Barasingha) that thrives well on hard ground and is exclusively graminivorous?

a) Kanha National Park
b) Manas National Park
c) Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary
d) Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary
Correct Answer : a) Kanha National Park

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Kanha National Park

Kanha National Park, located in the Madhya Pradesh state of India, is well-known for the conservation of a sub-species of the Indian swamp deer, known as the Barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii branderi). This particular sub-species is unique because it has adapted to thrive on hard ground, unlike other swamp deer that prefer marshy or swampy areas. This adaptation is significant because it showcases the evolutionary flexibility and resilience of the species. The Barasingha in Kanha National Park is exclusively graminivorous, meaning its diet consists solely of grasses.

Other Options

The other options listed:

  • Manas National Park is located in Assam and is known for its diverse wildlife, including the Indian rhinoceros, tigers, and various species of birds, but not specifically for the Barasingha.
  • Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu is renowned for its significant elephant population and diverse wildlife but again, not specifically for the Barasingha.
  • Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan is famous for its large population of blackbucks and various species of birds, particularly during the migration season, and not for the Barasingha.

Q. Which one of the following protected areas is well-known for the conservation of a sub-species of the Indian swamp deer (Barasingha) that thrives well on hard ground and is exclusively graminivorous? Read More »

Q. With reference to India’s biodiversity, Ceylon frogmouth, Coppersmith barbet, Gray-chinned miniyet and White-throated redstart are

Q. With reference to India’s biodiversity, Ceylon frogmouth, Coppersmith barbet, Gray-chinned miniyet and White-throated redstart are

a) Birds
b) Primates
c) Reptiles
d) Amphibians
Correct Answer : a) Birds

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Ceylon Frogmouth (Batrachostomus moniliger)

This bird is part of the frogmouth family, known for their wide, frog-like gape. They are nocturnal and found in the Western Ghats of India and Sri Lanka. Their camouflaged plumage makes them hard to spot during the day.

Coppersmith Barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus)

Named for its metallic ‘tuk-tuk-tuk’ calls reminiscent of a coppersmith at work, this small, vibrant bird is found across the Indian subcontinent. It is easily recognized by its green body, red forehead, and yellow throat.

Gray-chinned Minivet (Pericrocotus solaris)

This bird is a part of the minivet family, which are small to medium-sized passerines. They are known for their striking coloration, and the Gray-chinned Minivet, in particular, is found in the northeastern parts of India and extends into Southeast Asia.

White-throated Redstart (Phoenicurus schisticeps)

This species belongs to the redstart and chat family. It is found in the Himalayan region, including parts of India. The males are notable for their distinctive white throats and red tails.

Q. With reference to India’s biodiversity, Ceylon frogmouth, Coppersmith barbet, Gray-chinned miniyet and White-throated redstart are Read More »

Q. Which of the following Protected Areas are located in Cauvery basin?

Q. Which of the following Protected Areas are located in Cauvery basin?

1.Nagarhole National Park
2.Papikonda National Park
3.Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve
4.Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 3 and 4 only
c) 1, 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Correct Answer : c) 1, 3 and 4 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Nagarhole National Park

This national park is located in the Kodagu district and Mysore district in Karnataka, India. It is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and is situated in the Western Ghats. The Kabini river, a tributary of the Cauvery, flows through the park. Therefore, Nagarhole National Park is indeed in the Cauvery basin.

Papikonda National Park

This national park is located in the Papi Hills in East Godavari and West Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is part of the Eastern Ghats and is not in the Cauvery basin but rather in the Godavari river basin.

Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

Located in the Erode District of Tamil Nadu, this tiger reserve is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The Bhavani river, a tributary of the Cauvery, flows through this reserve. Thus, Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is in the Cauvery basin.

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

This wildlife sanctuary is part of the Wayanad Plateau in Kerala and is contiguous with the protected area network of Nagarhole, Bandipur, and Mudumalai. The Kabini river, which is part of the Cauvery river system, flows in the vicinity. Therefore, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is also in the Cauvery basin.

Given this information, the correct answer is: c) 1, 3 and 4 only

Q. Which of the following Protected Areas are located in Cauvery basin? Read More »

Q. With reference to Indian elephants, consider the following statements:

Q. With reference to Indian elephants, consider the following statements:

1.The leader of an elephant group is a female.
2.The maximum gestation period can be 22 months.
3.An elephant can normally go on calving till the age of 40 years only.
4.Among the States in India, the highest elephant population is in Kerala.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 4 only
c) 3 only
d) 1, 3 and 4 only
Correct Answer : a) 1 and 2 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Leader of an Elephant Group

The leader of an elephant group is a female. In elephant herds, the leader is typically a female, known as the matriarch. She is usually the oldest and most experienced female in the group.

Gestation Period

The maximum gestation period for elephants can be 22 months. Elephants have the longest gestation period of any land animal, which can last up to 22 months.

Reproduction Age

An elephant can normally go on calving till the age of 40 years only.

Correction: This statement is incorrect. Female elephants can reproduce into their 50s. They start breeding around the age of 12-14 years and may continue to have calves every 4-5 years until about the age of 50-60.

Elephant Population in India

Among the states in India, the highest elephant population is in Karnataka.

As per Elephant Census (2017), Karnataka has the highest number of elephants (6,049), followed by Assam (5,719) and Kerala (3,054).

Given the analysis, correct answer: a) 1 and 2 only

Q. With reference to Indian elephants, consider the following statements: Read More »

Q. With reference to the cultural history of India, consider the following pairs: 1. Parivrajaka — Renunciant and Wanderer 2. Shramana — Priest with a high status 3. Upasaka — Lay follower of Buddhism

Q. With reference to the cultural history of India, consider the following pairs:

1. Parivrajaka — Renunciant and Wanderer
2. Shramana — Priest with a high status
3. Upasaka — Lay follower of Buddhism

Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 and 3 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer : b) 1 and 3 only

Question from UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper


Parivrajaka — Renunciant and Wanderer

This pair is correctly matched. Parivrajakas were individuals who had renounced worldly and materialistic pursuits to lead a life of spiritual wandering. They were often ascetics or hermits who chose a life of contemplation and detachment from worldly ties.

Shramana — Priest with a high status

This pair is not correctly matched. Shramanas were not priests with high status; rather, they were part of an ancient Indian religious movement that constituted a non-Vedic tradition. They were individuals who pursued an ascetic life, seeking liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). Shramanas were critical of the ritualistic practices of the Vedic religion and laid the foundation for several religious and philosophical traditions, including Buddhism and Jainism.

Upasaka — Lay follower of Buddhism

This pair is correctly matched. Upasakas (male) and Upasikas (female) are lay followers of Buddhism. They are not monks or nuns but follow the Buddhist teachings and precepts in their daily lives while living in the secular world. They support the monastic community and participate in various religious practices without renouncing worldly life.

Given the analysis above, the pairs correctly matched are 1 (Parivrajaka — Renunciant and Wanderer) and 3 (Upasaka — Lay follower of Buddhism). Therefore, the correct answer is: b) 1 and 3 only

Q. With reference to the cultural history of India, consider the following pairs: 1. Parivrajaka — Renunciant and Wanderer 2. Shramana — Priest with a high status 3. Upasaka — Lay follower of Buddhism Read More »