UPSC Notes

What is International Ethics ?

What is International Ethics ?

International Ethics

International Ethics refers to the study and application of moral principles, norms, and standards in the global context. It encompasses the ethical issues that arise in international relations, including human rights, environmental sustainability, global justice, and the conduct of war, among others. International Ethics seeks to address the moral dimensions of global interactions, guiding the behavior of states, international organizations, corporations, and individuals across borders.

How International Ethics Took Shape

The development of International Ethics as a distinct field has been influenced by several historical and contemporary factors:

  1. Historical Treaties and Declarations: The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the beginning of the modern state system, laid early groundwork for sovereign equality and non-intervention principles. Subsequent treaties and declarations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), further shaped ethical norms in international relations.
  2. Globalization: The intensification of global interconnectedness has raised new ethical challenges, from economic inequality to environmental degradation, necessitating a global ethical response.
  3. International Organizations: The establishment of the United Nations and other international bodies has played a crucial role in promoting ethical standards globally, through the formulation of international laws and norms.
  4. Global Civil Society: The rise of international NGOs and advocacy networks has been instrumental in pushing for ethical considerations in global governance, such as human rights protections and environmental sustainability.

Key Components of International Ethics

  1. Human Rights: The protection and promotion of fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, freedom from torture, and freedom of expression, are central to International Ethics.
  2. Justice and Equity: This includes issues of distributive justice (fair distribution of resources), rectificatory justice (addressing past injustices), and procedural justice (fair processes) on a global scale.
  3. Environmental Ethics: This involves ethical considerations regarding the environment, including sustainability, conservation, and the rights of future generations.
  4. Peace and Security: Ethical principles guiding the conduct of war (jus in bello) and the justification for going to war (jus ad bellum), as well as efforts towards peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
  5. Global Governance: The ethical norms and principles that guide the behavior of international organizations and states in their interactions with each other, including respect for sovereignty, non-intervention, and cooperation.


  • Human Rights: The international campaign against apartheid in South Africa was grounded in human rights ethics, leading to global sanctions and eventually contributing to the system’s dismantlement.
  • Environmental Ethics: The Paris Agreement on climate change represents a global ethical commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change impacts, emphasizing responsibilities of both developed and developing countries.
  • Justice and Equity: The concept of “common but differentiated responsibilities” (CBDR) in international environmental law acknowledges the different capabilities and responsibilities of countries in addressing global environmental issues, aiming for equity in global efforts.
  • Peace and Security: The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols set ethical standards for the humane treatment of non-combatants and prisoners of war, aiming to limit the barbarity of war.

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What is Business Ethics?

What is Business Ethics?

Business ethics refers to the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. It involves applying general ethical principles and standards to business behavior and practices. Business ethics ensures that a certain required level of trust exists between consumers and various forms of market participants with businesses. It is critical to the long-term success of any business.

Key Components of Business Ethics:

  1. Integrity: Acting with honesty and honor without compromising the truth. For example, a company that refuses to exaggerate the effectiveness of its product in its marketing simply because it would not be honest.
    Tata Group is known for its ethical business practices, refusing to engage in corrupt practices and maintaining a reputation for trustworthiness both in India and globally.
  2. Fairness: Ensuring equal treatment of all stakeholders through transparency and objectivity. For instance, a business that adopts a transparent process for handling employee grievances and disputes demonstrates fairness.
    Infosys is recognized for its transparent employee policies, ensuring fair treatment and opportunities for all its stakeholders, setting a benchmark for fairness in the corporate world.
  3. Accountability: Taking responsibility for one’s actions. A company that promptly recalls a defective product and compensates affected customers showcases accountability.
    Maruti Suzuki demonstrated accountability by voluntarily recalling over 40,000 units of its Wagon R model in 2019 to inspect and fix a potential safety issue.
  4. Respect: Treating all individuals with dignity, valuing their contributions regardless of differences. An example is a company that has a strict non-discrimination policy and actively promotes diversity and inclusion.
    Mahindra Group promotes diversity and inclusion, supporting initiatives for women’s empowerment, differently-abled individuals, and LGBTQ+ rights, showing a commitment to respect and dignity.
  5. Transparency: Openly sharing information that is relevant to stakeholders, without manipulation. A business that publishes its environmental impact reports without withholding negative information is practicing transparency.
    Wipro is lauded for its transparency, publishing detailed sustainability reports and openly sharing its achievements and challenges in environmental impact and corporate governance.
  6. Sustainability: Ensuring that business practices are sustainable and do not harm future generations. For example, a company that reduces its carbon footprint and invests in renewable energy.
    ITC Limited adopts a “Triple Bottom Line” approach, focusing on economic, environmental, and social capital, with initiatives like afforestation programs and investments in renewable energy sources.

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What is Environmental Ethics?

What is Environmental Ethics?

Environmental ethics is a branch of philosophy that considers the moral relationship between humans and the environment. It seeks to understand and address the ethical implications of human actions on the natural world, including plants, animals, and ecosystems. This field of ethics explores how we ought to behave towards the environment, what duties we owe to it, and what rights it might possess. Environmental ethics encompasses a wide range of issues, from pollution and conservation to climate change and biodiversity.

Key Elements of Environmental Ethics

  1. Intrinsic vs. Instrumental Value: This element debates whether the environment has value in itself (intrinsic) or only in relation to human needs and interests (instrumental). An intrinsic perspective argues that nature deserves protection for its own sake, while an instrumental perspective views nature as valuable because of the benefits it provides to humans.
  2. Anthropocentrism vs. Ecocentrism: Anthropocentrism places humans at the center of ethical consideration, prioritizing human needs and interests. Ecocentrism, on the other hand, argues for a nature-centered approach that values all living beings and their relationships within ecosystems.
  3. Sustainability and Conservation: This involves the ethical obligation to preserve natural resources and biodiversity for future generations. It emphasizes the need for sustainable development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  4. Environmental Justice: This aspect focuses on the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens. It addresses issues such as pollution, resource depletion, and climate change, which often disproportionately affect marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Examples & Case Studies


  • The Chipko Movement: A prime example of environmental ethics in action, the Chipko movement of the 1970s was a forest conservation movement in India where villagers, particularly women, embraced trees to prevent loggers from cutting them down. This movement highlighted the intrinsic value of forests and their importance to local ecosystems and communities.
  • Ganges River Pollution: The Ganges River is considered sacred by millions of Hindus but is heavily polluted due to industrial waste, sewage, and religious practices. Efforts to clean the Ganges reflect the ethical imperative to restore and preserve natural resources for their cultural, ecological, and intrinsic values.


  • The Great Barrier Reef Protection: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia faces threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Efforts to protect and conserve the reef underscore the importance of biodiversity and the ethical duty to protect ecosystems for their intrinsic value and for future generations.
  • Amazon Rainforest Deforestation: The rapid deforestation of the Amazon rainforest for agriculture and mining raises critical ethical questions about conservation, the rights of indigenous peoples, and the global impact of losing a major carbon sink, which is crucial for mitigating climate change.

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What is Applied Ethics?

What is Applied Ethics?

Applied ethics is a branch of ethics that deals with the practical application of moral considerations. It is concerned with determining the rightness or wrongness of actions in various fields of human activity by applying ethical theories and principles. Unlike theoretical ethics, which focuses on questions about what is morally right and wrong in a general sense, applied ethics looks at specific controversial issues and seeks to resolve them through ethical reasoning.

Applied ethics encompasses a broad spectrum of areas:


This area deals with ethical issues in biology and medicine, such as the morality of abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, and the allocation of scarce medical resources.

Business Ethics

This focuses on ethical issues in the business world, including corporate responsibility, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, and ethical practices in marketing and advertising.

Environmental Ethics

This area addresses the ethical relationship between humans and the environment, including issues such as conservation, pollution, habitat destruction, and animal rights.

Professional Ethics

This involves ethical issues related to the responsibilities and conduct of professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants, including confidentiality, conflict of interest, and professional integrity.

Technology Ethics

This area examines ethical issues related to the development and use of technology, including privacy concerns, cybersecurity, the digital divide, and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Legal Ethics

This focuses on ethical issues in the practice of law, including the duties of lawyers to their clients, the court, and society, as well as issues of justice and fairness in legal proceedings.

Applied ethics employs various ethical theories, such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and care ethics, to analyze and address these issues. The goal is to provide clear, reasoned arguments that can guide individuals, professionals, and policymakers in making ethical decisions in specific contexts.

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Three Approaches to Study of Ethics

Three Approaches to Study of Ethics

Ethics is a field of study with different approaches that help us understand our moral compass. Let’s explore these three main approaches to ethics: Descriptive Ethics, Normative Ethics, and Meta-ethics.

Descriptive Ethics:

Imagine you’re a scientist studying a map of different lands, each with its own customs and rules. That’s what descriptive ethics is like. It’s the study of people’s beliefs and behaviors when it comes to morality. It doesn’t tell us what we should do; instead, it shows us what people actually do and believe. It’s like taking a survey of the world’s moral landscape.

Normative Ethics:

Now, let’s say you want to create a set of rules that everyone can agree on, a rulebook for right and wrong. That’s the goal of normative ethics. It’s all about setting up a system of moral guidelines that help us decide how to act in different situations.

There are a few key players in the world of normative ethics:

Deontology: This approach is like a strict teacher who believes in following the rules, no matter what. It’s all about duty and doing the right thing because it’s right, not because of what might happen afterward. The famous philosopher Immanuel Kant is a big name here. He said we should act in ways that we’d want everyone else to act, too.

Consequentialism: If deontology is the strict teacher, consequentialism is the results-oriented coach. It says that the outcome of our actions is what really matters. The most well-known version is utilitarianism, which suggests that we should do whatever will make the most people happy. It’s like trying to score the most points for team happiness.

Virtue Ethics: This approach is like a wise mentor who focuses on character. It’s not just about following rules or outcomes; it’s about being a good person with qualities like honesty, kindness, and bravery. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is a big fan of this approach. He believed that developing good character traits is key to living a fulfilling life.


Finally, we have meta-ethics, which is like the philosopher pondering the big questions. It’s not about what people do or what they should do; it’s about what morality itself is. Meta-ethics asks questions like “What does ‘good’ really mean?” and “Is morality objective or subjective?”

Meta-ethics gets really deep. It looks at the language we use when we talk about ethics and tries to understand the nature of moral reasoning. It’s like the foundation that the other types of ethics are built on.

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What is Ethics?

What is Ethics?

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering which path to take? Not the kind where you’re literally lost in a city, but at those moments when you’re torn between telling the truth or a little white lie, deciding whether to return a lost wallet, or figuring out if it’s okay to call in sick to work just because you need a mental health day. These are the moments when ethics come into play.

What is Ethics?

Imagine ethics as the science of character. Just like biology is the study of living things, ethics is the study of our moral compass. It’s all about figuring out what’s considered good behavior and what’s seen as bad, and it’s not just about following rules. It’s about understanding why some actions make us the good guys in the story of life, and others, well, not so much.

Why Does Ethics Matter?

Ethics is like the rulebook for the game of life. It helps us make decisions that not only affect us but also the people around us. When we act ethically, we’re building trust, creating a good reputation, and generally making the world a nicer place to live in. It’s the difference between a society where people look out for each other and one where it’s every person for themselves.

The Big Questions

Ethics tackles some tough questions. What makes something right or wrong? Is it okay to do a small wrong for a bigger right? Are there golden rules that everyone should follow, or does it depend on the situation? These aren’t easy questions, and philosophers have been debating them for centuries.

Ethics in Action

Let’s bring ethics down to earth. Say you find a wallet on the ground, stuffed with cash. No one’s around. What do you do? Keep it, finders keepers? Or try to track down the owner? Your decision will be guided by your ethical beliefs. If you believe in honesty and the value of doing unto others as you’d want done to you, you’ll probably try to return it.

Morals vs. Ethics

You might hear the words ‘morals’ and ‘ethics’ used like they’re twins, but they’re more like close cousins. Morals are your personal beliefs about right and wrong, shaped by your culture, religion, and experiences. Ethics is the broader field that studies these beliefs and how they play out in society.

Making Ethical Choices

Every day, we make choices that reflect our ethics. From small things like not cutting in line to bigger issues like standing up for someone being treated unfairly, our actions are little signatures of our ethical beliefs.

The Takeaway

Ethics isn’t just for philosophers or CEOs facing big corporate decisions. It’s for all of us. It’s about being mindful of the choices we make and the impact they have. By understanding ethics, we can aim to live a life that’s not just good for us, but also for the community around us. So next time you’re at that crossroads, take a moment to think about your inner ethical compass. It might just lead you to the right path.

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