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Q: Discuss how “environmentalism” can be explained with new social movements approach.

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Environmentalism – New Social Movement

The new social movements approach is a sociological framework that seeks to understand the emergence, development, and impact of social movements that have arisen since the 1960s. These movements are characterized by their focus on identity, culture, and quality of life issues, rather than the traditional concerns of social movements, such as economic and political power. Environmentalism, as a social movement, can be explained using the new social movements approach by examining its origins, goals, strategies, and impact on society.

Origins of Environmentalism:

Environmentalism emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a response to the growing awareness of the negative impacts of industrialization, urbanization, and consumerism on the natural environment. The movement was fueled by a series of environmental disasters, such as oil spills and toxic waste leaks, as well as the publication of influential books like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. These events led to a growing concern for the environment and the need for collective action to protect it.

Goals of Environmental Movement:

The goals of the environmental movement are diverse and include the preservation of natural resources, the reduction of pollution, the promotion of sustainable development, and the protection of endangered species and ecosystems. These goals reflect a shift in focus from traditional social movements, which were primarily concerned with economic and political power, to issues related to identity, culture, and quality of life.

Strategies in Environmental Movements:

Environmentalism employs a variety of strategies to achieve its goals, including lobbying, public awareness campaigns, direct action, and the development of alternative technologies and practices. These strategies often involve the use of new communication technologies, such as social media, to mobilize supporters and disseminate information. The movement also relies on the formation of alliances with other social movements, such as labor, indigenous rights, and women’s movements, to build a broader base of support and increase its political influence.

Impact of Environmentalism :

The environmental movement has had a significant impact on society, both in terms of raising awareness about environmental issues and in shaping public policy. The movement has been successful in pushing for the creation of environmental protection agencies, the passage of environmental legislation, and the implementation of international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement on climate change. Additionally, environmentalism has influenced cultural norms and values, leading to a greater emphasis on sustainability and ecological responsibility in everyday life.

In conclusion, environmentalism can be explained using the new social movements approach by examining its origins in the growing awareness of environmental issues, its goals related to identity, culture, and quality of life, its diverse strategies for mobilizing support and achieving change, and its impact on society in terms of policy and cultural shifts. This approach highlights the unique characteristics of environmentalism as a social movement and helps to explain its continued relevance and influence in the contemporary world.

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