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Q: Examine the social background of growth of indian nationalism.
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Social Background of Indian Nationalism
The growth of Indian nationalism can be traced back to the 19th and early 20th centuries, when India was under British colonial rule. The social background of this growth can be examined through various factors, such as the impact of colonial policies, the role of the Indian intelligentsia, the influence of religion and culture, and the emergence of various social and political movements.
Factors of Social Background Influencing the Growth of Indian Nationalism
1. Impact of Colonial Policies
The British colonial policies, such as the economic exploitation of India, the introduction of Western education, and the administrative and legal reforms, played a crucial role in the growth of Indian nationalism. The economic exploitation led to widespread poverty and unemployment, which created resentment among the Indian masses. The introduction of Western education exposed the Indian intelligentsia to the ideas of democracy, liberty, and equality, which inspired them to fight for their rights and freedom.
2. Role of the Indian Intelligentsia
The Indian intelligentsia, comprising of educated middle-class professionals such as lawyers, teachers, and journalists, played a significant role in the growth of Indian nationalism. They were instrumental in creating awareness about the exploitative nature of British rule and the need for self-rule among the Indian masses. They also formed various political organizations, such as the Indian National Congress, which became the leading platform for the articulation of nationalist demands.
3. Influence of Religion and Culture
Religion and culture played a significant role in the growth of Indian nationalism. The British policy of divide and rule, which sought to create divisions among different religious and cultural groups, led to a sense of unity among Indians as they realized the need to come together to fight against colonial rule. The revival of ancient Indian literature, art, and philosophy also contributed to the growth of nationalism, as it instilled a sense of pride in India’s rich cultural heritage.
4. Emergence of Social and Political Movements
The growth of Indian nationalism was also influenced by the emergence of various social and political movements, such as the Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, and the Indian National Congress. These movements aimed at social and religious reform, as well as political emancipation. They played a crucial role in mobilizing the Indian masses and creating a sense of national consciousness.
5. Role of the Press and Literature
The Indian press and literature played a significant role in the growth of Indian nationalism. Newspapers, journals, and books written by Indian authors helped in spreading nationalist ideas and creating awareness about the exploitative nature of British rule. They also provided a platform for the Indian intelligentsia to express their views and opinions on various political and social issues.
In conclusion, the growth of Indian nationalism can be attributed to a combination of factors, such as the impact of colonial policies, the role of the Indian intelligentsia, the influence of religion and culture, and the emergence of various social and political movements. These factors contributed to the development of a sense of national consciousness among the Indian masses, which ultimately led to the struggle for independence and the establishment of a sovereign, democratic, and secular India.
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