2021 GS1 Answer

Q. Examine the uniqueness of tribal knowledge system when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural systems.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS1 Paper

Model Answer: 

Tribal knowledge refers to the knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation within a tribe or community. This knowledge is unique and differs from mainstream knowledge and cultural systems. The following discussion examines the uniqueness of the tribal knowledge system and how it differs from mainstream knowledge and cultural systems.

Oral Tradition:

One of the most significant differences between tribal knowledge and mainstream knowledge is that tribal knowledge is primarily transmitted through oral tradition. The knowledge is passed down from generation to generation through storytelling, songs, and ceremonies. This is in contrast to mainstream knowledge, which is often transmitted through written texts, educational institutions, and formal training.

Holistic Perspective:

Tribal knowledge is holistic in nature, as it encompasses all aspects of life, including spiritual, social, and cultural beliefs. This holistic perspective is in contrast to the compartmentalized approach of mainstream knowledge, which often separates knowledge into distinct categories, such as science, religion, and culture.


Tribal knowledge recognizes the interconnectedness of all things and emphasizes the importance of relationships between individuals, the environment, and the spiritual realm. This interconnectedness is a fundamental aspect of tribal knowledge, and it shapes how tribal communities interact with the world. Mainstream knowledge, on the other hand, often emphasizes individualism and competition over cooperation and interconnectedness.


Tribal knowledge is often place-based, meaning that it is specific to a particular geographical location. This knowledge is intimately connected to the land and the environment and is shaped by the unique characteristics of the place. This is in contrast to mainstream knowledge, which often prioritizes abstract concepts and general principles over the specifics of a particular place.

Collective Ownership:

Tribal knowledge is often collectively owned by the community, rather than being the property of individuals. This collective ownership reinforces the interconnectedness of the community and ensures that knowledge is shared for the benefit of all members. This is in contrast to mainstream knowledge, which often emphasizes individual ownership and the protection of intellectual property rights.


In conclusion, tribal knowledge is a unique system of knowledge that differs from mainstream knowledge and cultural systems. Tribal knowledge is transmitted through oral tradition, is holistic in nature, emphasizes interconnectedness, is place-based, and is collectively owned. These characteristics make tribal knowledge an important aspect of many indigenous communities and highlight the value of diverse knowledge systems.

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