2021 GS3 Answer

Q. Explain the difference between computing methodology of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) before the year 2015 and after the year 2015.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS3 Paper

Model Answer: 

India’s GDP Calculation Methodology: Pre-2015 vs Post-2015

In 2015, India significantly revised its methodology for calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP), marking a shift from the earlier system. This change aimed to align India’s national accounts with global standards and provide a more accurate picture of the economy.

Pre-2015 Methodology:
• Base year: 2004-05
• GDP calculated at factor cost
• Relied heavily on Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) data
• Limited coverage of informal sector and newer economic activities

Post-2015 Methodology:
• Base year updated to 2011-12
• GDP calculated at market prices, including indirect taxes and excluding subsidies
• Incorporation of MCA21 database, providing comprehensive corporate sector data
• Expanded coverage of financial sector, including stock brokers and mutual funds
• Improved estimation of informal sector activities

Key Differences:

1. Shift from factor cost to market prices: This change better reflects the actual market value of goods and services produced.

2. Updated base year: The new base year (2011-12) provides a more recent reference point for economic comparisons.

3. Improved data sources: The use of MCA21 database offers more accurate corporate sector information (e.g., IT services, e-commerce).

4. Wider coverage: Enhanced inclusion of informal sector activities (e.g., small businesses, street vendors) and financial services.

5. New methodologies: Adoption of advanced statistical techniques for data compilation and analysis.


• The revised methodology generally resulted in higher GDP growth estimates.
• It provides a more comprehensive view of the economy, especially newer sectors.
• Improved international comparability of India’s economic data.

Conclusion: The 2015 GDP revision modernized India’s national accounting, offering a more accurate and globally comparable measure of economic activity.

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