2022 GS1 Answer

Q. How will you explain that medieval Indian temple sculptures represent the social life of those days?

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS1 Paper

Model Answer:-

Depiction of daily life

Medieval Indian temple sculptures depicted the daily life of people in those days, including their clothing, hairstyles, and activities. These sculptures show men and women engaged in various activities such as farming, hunting, and weaving. They also depict people engaged in dance, music, and other forms of entertainment. These sculptures provide us with a glimpse into the social customs, traditions, and lifestyle of the people of that time.

Depiction of social hierarchy

Medieval Indian temple sculptures also reflect the social hierarchy prevalent in those days. The sculptures depict kings, queens, nobles, and commoners, each with their distinct attire, jewelry, and postures. The sculptures of the kings and queens are often grand and elaborate, while the sculptures of the commoners are simpler and more modest. These sculptures reflect the hierarchical structure of society in those days, where individuals’ status and power were determined by their birth and social standing.

Depiction of gender roles

Medieval Indian temple sculptures also depict the gender roles prevalent in those days. The sculptures of men and women are often depicted performing different activities, reflecting the gender division of labor. The sculptures of men show them engaged in activities such as hunting and warfare, while the sculptures of women show them engaged in domestic chores such as cooking, weaving, and childcare. These sculptures reflect the gender roles and responsibilities assigned to men and women in those days.

Depiction of religious beliefs and practices

Medieval Indian temple sculptures also reflect the religious beliefs and practices of those days. These sculptures depict various gods and goddesses, and their images are often accompanied by intricate details, symbols, and stories. These sculptures also depict various rituals, ceremonies, and festivals associated with these deities, providing a glimpse into the religious practices and customs of the people of those days.

In conclusion, medieval Indian temple sculptures provide a rich source of information about the social life of those days. They reflect the daily life, social hierarchy, gender roles, and religious beliefs and practices of the people of those times. These sculptures serve as a valuable historical record of the cultural and social values of the people of medieval India, providing us with a deeper understanding of our past.

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