Q. It is certain, that sedition, wars, and contempt or breach of the laws are not so much to be imputed to the wickedness of the subjects, as to the bad state of a dominion.
For men are not born fit for citizenship but must be made so. Besides, men’s natural passions are everywhere the same; and if wickedness more prevails, and more offences are committed in one commonwealth than in another, it is certain that the former has neither enough pursued the end of unity, nor framed its laws with sufficient forethought; and that, therefore, it has failed in making quite good its right as a commonwealth.
Q 1. Which among the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the passage given above?
(a) Seditions, wars, and breach of the laws are inevitable in every dominion.
(b) It is not the people, but the sovereign who is responsible for all the problems of any dominion.
(c) That dominion is the best which pursues the aim of unity and has laws for good citizenship.
(d) It is impossible for men to establish a good dominion.
Question from UPSC Prelims 2021 CSAT Paper
Explanation :
Q1: Correct Answer – (c) That dominion is the best which pursues the aim of unity and has laws for good citizenship.
Explanation – The most logical and rational inference that can be made from the passage above is option c) : “That dominion is the best which pursues the aim of unity and has laws for good citizenship.” This is because the passage argues that sedition, wars, and contempt or breach of laws are more likely to occur in a dominion with a bad state rather than due to the wickedness of its subjects. The passage also suggests that men must be made fit for citizenship through proper laws and pursuit of unity.