2022 GS3 Answer

Q. What is Integrated Farming System ? How is it helpful to small and marginal farmers in India ?

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS3 Paper

Model Answer: 

Integrated Farming System (IFS) is an agricultural system that involves the integration of crops, livestock, and other farming activities in a sustainable and profitable manner. This approach helps to enhance agricultural productivity, profitability, and sustainability. In India, IFS has been considered as an alternative farming system for small and marginal farmers, who face several challenges in traditional farming practices. In this answer, we will discuss the concept of IFS and its benefits for small and marginal farmers in India.

What is Integrated Farming System (IFS)?

Integrated Farming System (IFS) is an agricultural system that involves the integration of crops, livestock, fishery, forestry, and other farming activities on the same piece of land. This approach is based on the principle of sustainable and profitable agriculture, where all the farming activities complement each other and contribute to the overall productivity and profitability of the farm.

Benefits of IFS for Small and Marginal Farmers in India:

Diversification of income sources: IFS provides small and marginal farmers with a diversified income source by integrating various farming activities. This reduces their reliance on a single crop and provides them with an alternative source of income.

Efficient resource utilization: IFS enables small and marginal farmers to efficiently utilize their available resources, including land, water, and labor. This approach helps to maximize the productivity of the land and optimize the use of resources.

Improves soil fertility: IFS involves the integration of crops and livestock, which helps to improve soil fertility by promoting nutrient cycling and reducing soil erosion. This approach helps to maintain soil health and productivity in the long term.

Increases farm productivity and profitability: IFS enables small and marginal farmers to increase their farm productivity and profitability by integrating various farming activities. This approach helps to reduce input costs, increase crop yields, and improve the overall productivity of the farm.

Enhances food security: IFS contributes to enhancing food security by increasing the availability of food and reducing the vulnerability of small and marginal farmers to food insecurity. This approach promotes the production of diverse crops, livestock, and fishery, which provides a varied and nutritious diet to the farmers.


Integrated Farming System (IFS) is a sustainable and profitable agricultural system that can help small and marginal farmers in India to overcome the challenges of traditional farming practices. This approach provides a diversified income source, efficient resource utilization, soil fertility, increased farm productivity and profitability, and enhanced food security. Therefore, the adoption of IFS can contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Indian agricultural sector.

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