UPPSC 2024

Q. Which of the following freedoms is not guaranteed by the Indian Constitution under Article 19?

a) Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms
b) Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property
c) Freedom to practice any trade or profession
d) Freedom to move freely throughout the country

Question from UPPSC Prelims 2024

Correct Answer: b) Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property


Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees certain fundamental freedoms to the citizens of India. These freedoms are:

1. Freedom of speech and expression (Article 19(1)(a))

2. Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms (Article 19(1)(b))

3. Freedom to form associations or unions (Article 19(1)(c))

4. Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India (Article 19(1)(d))

5. Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India (Article 19(1)(e))

6. Freedom to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade, or business (Article 19(1)(g))

However, the freedom to own, acquire, and dispose of property is not included under Article 19. Initially, the right to property was a fundamental right under Article 31, but it was removed as a fundamental right by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978. It is now a legal right under Article 300A of the Constitution.

Thus, the correct answer is b) Freedom to own, acquire and dispose of property, as it is no longer a fundamental right guaranteed under Article 19.

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