Mains Model Answers

Q. The coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) pandemic has quickly spread to various countries. As on May 8th, 2020, in India 56342 positive cases of corona had been reported.

Q. The coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) pandemic has quickly spread to various countries. As on May 8th, 2020, in India 56342 positive cases of corona had been reported.

India with a population of more than 1-35 billion had difficulty in controlling the transmission of coronavirus among its population. Multiple strategies became necessary to handle this outbreak. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India raised awareness about this outbreak and to take all necessary actions to control the spread of COVID-19. Indian Government implemented a 55-day lockdown throughout the country to reduce the transmission of the virus. Schools and colleges had shifted to alternative mode of teaching- learning-evaluation and certification. Online mode became popular during these days. India was not prepared fora sudden onslaught of such a crisis due to limited infrastructure in terms of human resource, money and other facilities needed for taking care of this situation. This disease did not spare anybody irrespective of caste, creed, religion on the one hand and have and have not’ on the other. Deficiencies in hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, ambulances, hospital staff and crematorium were the most crucial aspects You are a hospital administrator in a public hospital at the time when coronavirus had attacked large number of people and patients were pouring into hospital day in and day out.

o What are your criteria and justification for putting your clinical and non-clinical staff to attend to the patients knowing fully well that it is highly infectious disease and resources and infrastructure are limited?
o If yours is a private hospital, whether your justification and decision would remain same as that of a public hospital?

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Criteria and Justification for Putting Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff to Attend to Patients:

  • Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): It is important to ensure that all clinical and non-clinical staff have access to adequate PPE, including gloves, masks, goggles, and gowns. This will help to minimize the risk of transmission of the virus from patients to staff and vice versa.
  • Proper Training and Education: It is essential to provide proper training and education to all staff regarding the transmission, prevention, and management of COVID-19. This will help to ensure that staff are aware of the risks and precautions to take while attending to patients.
  • Prioritization of High-Risk Patients: It is important to prioritize high-risk patients, such as those with underlying medical conditions or elderly patients, and allocate more resources and attention to them. This will help to minimize the risk of complications and mortality.
  • Allocation of Resources and Staff: It is crucial to allocate resources and staff efficiently and effectively, based on the severity and urgency of patients’ needs. This will help to ensure that resources and staff are utilized optimally and that patients receive timely and appropriate care.
  • Regular Screening and Testing: It is important to implement regular screening and testing protocols for all staff, including clinical and non-clinical, to identify and isolate infected individuals and prevent further transmission of the virus.

If the Hospital is Private, Would the Justification and Decision Remain the Same?

If the hospital is private, the justification and decision to put clinical and non-clinical staff to attend to patients would remain the same. The primary goal of healthcare, whether in a public or private hospital, is to provide timely and appropriate care to patients. During a pandemic, such as COVID-19, this goal becomes even more critical, as the number of patients requiring care can overwhelm the existing infrastructure and resources.

Therefore, it is essential for private hospitals to prioritize patient care and allocate resources and staff effectively and efficiently, based on patients’ needs. However, private hospitals may face additional challenges, such as financial constraints and lack of government support, which may require them to adopt innovative approaches and partnerships to manage the crisis effectively.

Q. The coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) pandemic has quickly spread to various countries. As on May 8th, 2020, in India 56342 positive cases of corona had been reported. Read More »

Q. An elevated corridor is being constructed to reduce traffic congestion in the capital of a particular state.

Q. An elevated corridor is being constructed to reduce traffic congestion in the capital of a particular state.

You have been selected as project manager of this prestigious project on your professional competence and experience. The deadline is to complete the project in next two years by 20 June, 2021, since this project is to be inaugurated by the Chief Minister before the elections are announced in the second week of July 2021. While carrying out the surprise inspection by inspecting team, a minor crack was noticed in one of the piers of the elevated corridor possibly due to poor material used. You immediately informed the chief engineer and stopped further work. It was assessed by you that minimum three piers of the elevated corridor have to be demolished demolished and reconstructed. But this process will delay the project minimum by four to six months. But the chief engineer overruled the observation of inspecting team on the ground that it was a minor crack which will not in any way impact the strength and durability of the bridge. He ordered you to overlook the observation of inspecting team and continue working with same speed and tempo. He informed you that the minister does not want any delay as he wants the chief Minister to inaugurate the elevated corridor before the elections are declared. Also informed you that the contractor is far relative of the minister and he wants him to finish the project. He also gave you hint that your further promotion as additional chief engineer is under consideration with the ministry. However, you strongly felt that the minor crack in the pier of the elevated corridor will adversely affect the health and life of the bridge and therefore it will be very dangerous not to repair the elevated corridor.

o Under the given conditions, what are the options available to you as a project manager?
o What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by the project manager?
o What are the professional challenges likely to be faced by the project manager and his response to overcome such challenges?
o What can be the consequences of overlooking the observation raised by the inspecting team?

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Options Available to the Project Manager:

  • Follow the Chief Engineer’s Orders: The project manager could choose to follow the chief engineer’s orders and continue with the construction of the elevated corridor without addressing the minor crack issue. This option may result in the completion of the project within the given deadline, but it would compromise on the safety and durability of the bridge.
  • Refuse to Comply: The project manager could choose to refuse to comply with the chief engineer’s orders and insist on repairing the minor crack issue before resuming the construction of the elevated corridor. This option would uphold the safety and durability of the bridge, but it could result in delay and possible consequences for the project manager’s career.
  • Seek External Help: The project manager could seek external help, such as an independent engineering consultant, to assess the minor crack issue and provide recommendations for addressing it. This option would ensure impartiality and transparency in the decision-making process, but it could result in delay and additional costs for the project.

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by the Project Manager:

  • Balancing Safety and Speed: The project manager faces a dilemma of balancing safety and speed in the construction of the elevated corridor. Following the chief engineer’s orders would compromise on safety, while insisting on repairing the minor crack issue would result in delay.
  • Professional Integrity vs. Career Advancement: The project manager faces a dilemma of maintaining professional integrity by upholding safety and durability standards vs. compromising on these standards to advance their career.

Professional Challenges Likely to be Faced by the Project Manager and Response to Overcome Such Challenges:

  • Resistance from the Chief Engineer and Contractor: The project manager may face resistance from the chief engineer and contractor who have personal and political interests in the completion of the project. The project manager should communicate the importance of safety and durability standards to them and emphasize the long-term consequences of compromising on these standards.
  • Pressure from the Ministry and Politicians: The project manager may face pressure from the ministry and politicians to prioritize speed over safety. The project manager should communicate the risks and consequences of compromising on safety standards and seek the support of external agencies and independent consultants to assess the situation objectively.

Consequences of Overlooking the Observation Raised by the Inspecting Team:

Overlooking the observation raised by the inspecting team and continuing with the construction of the elevated corridor without addressing the minor crack issue could have serious consequences, such as:

  • Compromising the safety and durability of the bridge, leading to potential accidents and loss of life.
  • Legal and financial liabilities for the project manager, contractor, and government in case of any accidents or failures.
  • Public backlash and loss of public trust in the government and the construction industry.
  • Damage to the project manager’s professional reputation and career prospects in the long run.

Q. An elevated corridor is being constructed to reduce traffic congestion in the capital of a particular state. Read More »

Q. You are Vice Principal of a degree college in one of the middle – class towns. Principal has recently retired and management is looking for his replacement.

Q. You are Vice Principal of a degree college in one of the middle – class towns. Principal has recently retired and management is looking for his replacement.

There are also feelers that the management may promote you as Principal. In the meantime, during annual examination the flying squad came from the university caught two students red-handed involving in unfair means. A senior lecturer of the college was personally helping these student in this act. This senior lecturer also happens to be close to the management. One of the students was son of a local politician who was responsible in getting college affiliated to the present reputed university. The second student was son of a local businessman who has donated maximum funds for running of the college. You immealately informed the management regarding this unfortunate incident. The management told you to resolve the issue with flying squad at any cost. They further said that such incident will not only tarnish the image of the college but also the politician and businessman are very important personalities for the functioning of the college. You were also given hint that your further promotion to Principal depends on your capability in resolving this issue with flying squad. In the meantime, you were intimated by your administrative officer that certain members of the student union are protesting outside the college gate against the senior lecturer and the students involved in this incident and demanding strict action against defaulters.

o Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case.
o Critically examine the options available with you as Vice Principal. What option will you adopt and why?

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Ethical Issues Involved in the Case:

  • Academic Integrity: The use of unfair means during exams violates the principles of academic integrity and undermines the credibility of the education system.
  • Nepotism: The involvement of the sons of a local politician and businessman raises the issue of nepotism and favoritism, which can erode public trust in the college.
  • Conflict of Interest: The close relationship between the senior lecturer and the management raises concerns about conflict of interest and impartiality in decision-making.
  • Pressure to Compromise: The management’s pressure to resolve the issue at any cost and the hint that the Vice Principal’s promotion depends on resolving the issue raises concerns about compromising on ethical principles.

Options Available with the Vice Principal:

  • Covering Up: The Vice Principal could choose to cover up the incident and resolve the issue with the flying squad by using unethical means, such as bribing or threatening them. This option could result in temporary relief for the college, but it would compromise on ethical principles and erode public trust in the education system.
  • Taking Strict Action: The Vice Principal could take strict action against the students and the senior lecturer involved in the incident, regardless of their connections and influence. This option would uphold the principles of academic integrity and send a strong message that unethical behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Compromising: The Vice Principal could choose to compromise by taking partial action against the defaulters and not pursuing the matter further. This option may provide temporary relief, but it would compromise on ethical principles and undermine public trust in the education system.
  • Seeking External Help: The Vice Principal could seek external help, such as the police or an independent investigating agency, to resolve the issue and ensure that justice is served. This option would uphold the principles of impartiality and transparency and send a strong message that unethical behavior will not be tolerated.

Most Appropriate Option for the Vice Principal:

The most appropriate option for the Vice Principal would be to take strict action against the defaulters and the senior lecturer involved in the incident, regardless of their connections and influence. This option would uphold the principles of academic integrity and send a strong message that unethical behavior will not be tolerated. The Vice Principal can also seek the help of external agencies to ensure that justice is served and that the investigation is impartial and transparent. This option may not be easy and may require courage and resilience, but it is the most ethical and responsible course of action in the long run. By taking this option, the Vice Principal can also demonstrate their commitment to ethical principles and build public trust in the education system.

Q. You are Vice Principal of a degree college in one of the middle – class towns. Principal has recently retired and management is looking for his replacement. Read More »

Q. Analyse the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages and obnoxious nexus. Also suggest measures required to be taken to eradicate the menace of terrorism.

Q. Analyse the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages and obnoxious nexus. Also suggest measures required to be taken to eradicate the menace of terrorism.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS3 Paper

Model Answer: 

Terrorism is a complex and multifaceted problem that has plagued the world for decades. It is a global phenomenon that affects people of all races, religions, and nationalities. Terrorism is not only a threat to peace and security but also a violation of human rights. In this answer, we will analyze the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages, and obnoxious nexus, and suggest measures required to eradicate this menace.

Complexity and Intensity of Terrorism:

Terrorism is a complex and ever-changing phenomenon that has evolved over time. It is not a static concept, and the definition of terrorism varies from country to country. The complexity and intensity of terrorism can be seen in the following ways:

  • Terrorist groups have access to advanced weaponry and technology that makes their attacks more lethal and devastating.
  • Terrorist attacks are becoming more frequent and widespread, targeting not just governments and military installations but also civilians and soft targets.
  • The rise of terrorist organizations that have a global reach, such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban, has made terrorism a transnational threat.
  • The use of social media and the internet by terrorist organizations to spread their propaganda and recruit new members has made it easier for them to expand their reach and influence.

Causes of Terrorism:

There are several underlying causes of terrorism, including:

  • Political and social grievances such as discrimination, marginalization, and injustice
  • Economic deprivation and poverty
  • Ideological and religious extremism
  • Foreign interventions and occupation
  • Failure of governments to address the root causes of terrorism and provide adequate governance and security.

Linkages and Obnoxious Nexus:

Terrorist organizations often have linkages and networks with other groups, criminal organizations, and state actors. The linkages and obnoxious nexus can be seen in the following ways:

  • The use of terrorism by state actors to further their geopolitical goals, such as Pakistan’s support for terrorist organizations operating in India.
  • The collaboration between terrorist organizations and criminal networks for financial gain, such as drug trafficking and money laundering.
  • The support provided by some countries to terrorist organizations for strategic purposes, such as Iran’s support for Hezbollah and Hamas.
  • The use of terrorism by extremist groups to promote their ideological agenda, such as the ISIS’s use of terrorism to establish a caliphate in the Middle East.

Measures to Eradicate Terrorism:

To eradicate terrorism, a multi-pronged approach is required that addresses the underlying causes and disrupts the linkages and obnoxious nexus of terrorist organizations. The measures required to eradicate terrorism include:

  • Addressing the root causes of terrorism by addressing political, social, and economic grievances and providing adequate governance and security.
  • Developing effective intelligence-gathering and sharing mechanisms to identify and neutralize terrorist threats before they manifest.
  • Combating terrorist financing through stringent financial regulations and international cooperation.
  • Building partnerships and alliances with like-minded countries to counter external threats and promote regional stability.
  • Developing indigenous capabilities in areas such as cybersecurity, military technology, and defense manufacturing to reduce dependence on foreign entities.
  • Creating public awareness and education campaigns to promote tolerance, human rights, and peaceful coexistence.


Terrorism is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach to eradicate. It is not just a security issue but also a political, social, and economic issue that needs to be addressed. To eradicate terrorism, it is essential to address the underlying causes and disrupt the linkages and obnoxious nexus of terrorist organizations. This requires cooperation and collaboration between governments, civil society, and the private sector to create a secure and stable environment that promotes peace, prosperity, and human rights.

Q. Analyse the complexity and intensity of terrorism, its causes, linkages and obnoxious nexus. Also suggest measures required to be taken to eradicate the menace of terrorism. Read More »