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Q: Discuss the material basis of patriarchy as an ideological system.
Question asked in UPSC Sociology 2022 Paper 2. Download our app for last 20 year question with model answers.
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Material Basis of Patriarchy as an Ideological System
The material basis of patriarchy as an ideological system refers to the tangible, often economic and resource-based structures that uphold and perpetuate patriarchal norms and practices. It’s a complex and multifaceted issue that can be discussed from various sociological perspectives.
Economic Systems
From a Marxist-feminist perspective, the roots of patriarchy can be traced back to the division of labor in early human societies. As societies moved from hunter-gatherer systems to agrarian and then industrial ones, men, who were often physically stronger, began to dominate in fields that required heavy labor and generated wealth. This allowed them to control resources and assert dominance over women, establishing the foundation of patriarchal systems. In contemporary society, this is reflected in the wage gap, the glass ceiling, and the unequal division of unpaid domestic labor.
Social Structures
Patriarchy also has roots in social structures and hierarchies. The family, as a basic unit of society, often reinforces patriarchal norms, with men as ‘heads’ of households and primary decision-makers. This is also seen in larger societal structures, such as political and religious institutions, where leadership roles are predominantly held by men.
Cultural Norms and Ideologies
Societies tend to develop belief systems that justify existing power structures. In patriarchal societies, ideologies that promote male superiority and female inferiority are often embedded in cultural norms, religious beliefs, and social practices. These ideologies not only justify the subordination of women but also shape individuals’ identities, behaviors, and relationships.
Education and Knowledge Production
Education systems often reinforce patriarchal ideologies, through curriculums that perpetuate gender stereotypes and through institutional practices that privilege boys and men. Moreover, knowledge production in many fields, from science to humanities, has historically been dominated by men, leading to biased perspectives that uphold patriarchal norms.
Legal and Political Systems
Laws and policies can also reinforce patriarchal systems by privileging men’s interests and perspectives. For example, property and inheritance laws have historically favored men, providing them with greater economic power. Even when laws are formally equal, they may be implemented in ways that disadvantage women, due to patriarchal biases in the legal system.
In sum, the material basis of patriarchy as an ideological system is rooted in economic systems, social structures, cultural norms, education, and legal systems. These structures intersect and mutually reinforce each other, creating a complex web of patriarchal power relations that are difficult to dismantle. Sociological analysis can help to uncover these underlying structures and point towards ways of challenging and transforming them.
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