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Q: Elaborate on M.N. Srinivas’s structural functionalist approach to the study of Indian society.
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M.N. Srinivas’s Structural Functionalist Approach to Studying Indian Society
M.N. Srinivas, developed a structural functionalist approach to studying Indian society that was significantly influenced by his mentors, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and E.E. Evans-Pritchard. His approach incorporated the following key elements:
– Foundational Framework: Srinivas’s work was built upon Radcliffe-Brown’s perspective, which viewed societies as natural systems governed by laws and emphasized the importance of social structures in maintaining stability and order.
– Historical Context and Interpretation: Srinivas also incorporated Evans-Pritchard’s critique, which stressed the importance of historical context and interpretation in understanding social realities. This led him to move beyond rigid structural-functionalism and incorporate historical evidence into his analyses.
Srinivas introduced several key concepts in his work, including:
– Dominant Caste: This concept refers to a caste holding significant economic and political power in a region, highlighting the dynamic nature of caste hierarchies and their role in shaping social relations.
– Sanskritization: This process describes how lower castes seek upward mobility by adopting the practices and lifestyle of higher castes, illustrating the fluidity and aspirational aspects of social mobility within the caste system.
– Westernization: Srinivas explored the impact of Western influences on Indian society, particularly among upper castes adopting Western education and lifestyles.
Methodologically, Srinivas emphasized the distinction between the “book-view” of Indian society derived from religious texts and the “field-view” based on empirical fieldwork, arguing that the latter provided a more accurate understanding of social realities. His village studies in Rampura and Coorg exemplified this commitment.
Srinivas’s work highlighted:
– The centrality of caste in structuring social relations in India
– The interplay between caste hierarchy, economic power, and social mobility
– The mechanisms of mobility within the caste system
– The challenges of nation-building in post-independence India
In conclusion, Srinivas’s structural functionalist approach, enriched by historical context and empirical fieldwork, provided a nuanced understanding of the complexities of Indian society and remains foundational in Indian sociology.
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