2021 GS4 Answer

Q. Besides domain knowledge, a public official needs innovativeness and creativity of a high order as well, while resolving ethical dilemmas. Discuss with suitable example.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Public officials in India often face ethical dilemmas that require a high level of innovativeness and creativity to resolve.

For example, the issue of manual scavenging, a practice of cleaning human excreta manually, is still prevalent in many parts of India, despite being banned by law. This practice is not only inhumane but also a violation of human rights.

Resolving this issue requires innovative thinking and creativity.

To address this problem, some officials have introduced the use of sanitation machines that can clean human excreta without human intervention. This approach not only eliminates the need for manual scavenging but also provides employment opportunities for the operators of the machines.

Another example is the use of technology to improve the distribution of food rations under government schemes. The use of biometric authentication and mobile applications has made the process more efficient and transparent, reducing the scope for corruption and malpractices.

Therefore, in addition to domain knowledge, public officials in India need to be innovative and creative to find solutions to complex ethical dilemmas. The use of technology and innovative approaches can help resolve these issues in a more efficient and effective manner.

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