2022 GS1 Answer

Q. Discuss the meaning of colour-coded weather warnings for cyclone prone areas given by India Meteorological department.

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS1 Paper

Model Answer:

India is highly vulnerable to cyclones due to its long coastline of over 7,500 kilometers. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) provides weather warnings to the public and authorities to prepare for cyclones. The weather warnings are color-coded and indicate the level of danger.

Meaning of Color-Coded Weather Warnings

The IMD has a four-level color-coded warning system to alert people about cyclones. The four levels of warning are:

Green Alert

A green alert is issued when there is no immediate danger. It indicates that the weather is expected to be normal, and no action is required.

Yellow Alert

A yellow alert is issued when the weather is likely to deteriorate in the next few days. It indicates that people should be prepared for the possibility of a cyclone.

Orange Alert

An orange alert is issued when the weather is likely to be severe in the next few days. It indicates that people should take action to protect themselves and their property. This may include:

  • Storing enough food and water for a few days.
  • Securing loose objects around the house, such as furniture and outdoor equipment.
  • Preparing an emergency kit that includes a first-aid kit, flashlight, and batteries.
  • Listening to the news and following instructions from the local authorities.

Red Alert

A red alert is issued when the weather is expected to be extremely severe. It indicates that people should take immediate action to protect themselves and their property. This may include:

  • Evacuating the area if instructed by the local authorities.
  • Storing enough food and water for at least three days.
  • Securing doors and windows with shutters or plywood.
  • Turning off utilities such as electricity, gas, and water.
  • Keeping a radio or TV on to receive updates from the local authorities.


The color-coded weather warnings issued by the IMD play a critical role in preparing people for the impact of cyclones. It helps them to take necessary measures to protect themselves and their property. It is essential to take the warnings seriously and follow the instructions given by the local authorities to minimize the impact of the cyclone.

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