2022 GS1 Answer

Q. Given the diversities among the tribal communities in India, in which specific contexts should they be considered as a single category?

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS1 Paper

Model Answer: 

India is home to a large number of indigenous tribal communities

India is home to a large number of indigenous tribal communities, each with their unique cultural and social practices. These communities, spread across the country, vary greatly in terms of language, customs, beliefs, and traditions. However, there are certain contexts where it is appropriate to consider them as a single category. In this answer, we will discuss these contexts in detail.

Constitutional Provisions

The Indian Constitution recognizes the importance of protecting the rights and interests of tribal communities, and provides for their special treatment in certain contexts. In this regard, tribal communities are considered as a single category under the following provisions:

Article 342: This article empowers the President of India to specify the list of Scheduled Tribes (STs) in the country. These STs are eligible for various special provisions such as reservation in education, employment, and political representation.

Fifth and Sixth Schedule: These schedules provide for the governance and administration of tribal areas in the country. They empower the local tribal communities to manage their affairs and protect their rights and resources.

Socio-Economic Indicators

Tribal communities in India are among the most disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society. They suffer from high levels of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, and health issues. In this regard, it is appropriate to consider them as a single category in the following contexts:

Poverty Alleviation Programs: Most poverty alleviation programs in India have special provisions for tribal communities. These programs target specific indicators such as income, nutrition, health, and education.

Human Development Indices: Various human development indices such as the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) incorporate specific indicators related to tribal communities.

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Despite the diversity among tribal communities, there are certain cultural and linguistic aspects that are common to most of them. In this regard, it is appropriate to consider them as a single category in the following contexts:

Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Tribal communities in India have a rich cultural heritage, including traditional arts, crafts, music, and dance. Efforts to preserve and promote this heritage can be undertaken as a single category.

Linguistic Diversity: While there are many languages spoken by tribal communities, there are also certain language families that are common to most of them. These include the Dravidian, Munda, and Tibeto-Burman language families.


In conclusion, while tribal communities in India are diverse and unique, there are certain contexts where it is appropriate to consider them as a single category. These include constitutional provisions, socio-economic indicators, and cultural and linguistic diversity. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of these communities while also providing for their special needs and rights.

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