2021 GS1 Answer

Q. ” There arose a serious challenge to the Democratic State System between the two World Wars.” Evaluate the statement.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS1 Paper

Model Answer: 

Challenge to Democratic State Systems Between World Wars

The interwar period (1918-1939) witnessed significant challenges to democratic systems worldwide, threatening their stability and legitimacy. This period saw the rise of totalitarian regimes and ideologies that posed a serious threat to democratic principles.

Rise of Totalitarian Regimes:
• Fascism emerged in Italy under Mussolini (1922) and Germany under Hitler (1933).
• The Soviet Union under Stalin’s leadership intensified its authoritarian communist rule.
• These regimes offered alternatives to democracy, promising stability and national glory.

Economic Challenges:
• The Great Depression (1929-1939) severely impacted democratic nations.
• Economic instability led to political instability, undermining faith in democratic institutions.
• High unemployment and economic hardship made authoritarian promises appealing.

Ideological Challenges:
• Growing disillusionment with liberal democracy spread across Europe.
• Authoritarian ideologies promised quick solutions to complex problems.
• The perceived failure of democracies to address post-war issues fueled anti-democratic sentiment.

Weaknesses of Democratic Systems:
• The League of Nations proved ineffective in maintaining global peace.
• Appeasement policies of democratic nations (e.g., Munich Agreement 1938) emboldened authoritarian regimes.
• Internal divisions within democracies hindered effective responses to rising threats.

Specific Examples:
• Fall of the Weimar Republic in Germany, replaced by Nazi dictatorship.
• Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) led to Franco’s authoritarian rule.
• Authoritarian regimes in Poland (Piłsudski), Hungary (Horthy), and other Eastern European countries.

The challenge to democracy was severe, with many European democracies falling to authoritarian rule. However, some major democracies like the UK, France, and the USA maintained their systems, albeit under strain. The interwar period’s political landscape was characterized by a struggle between democratic and authoritarian ideologies, setting the stage for World War II.

Conclusion: The interwar challenge to democracy reshaped global politics, revealing both democratic vulnerabilities and resilience, ultimately influencing the course of 20th-century history.

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