2022 GS1 Answer

Q. What are the forces that influence ocean currents? Describe their role in fishing industry of the world.

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS1 Paper

Model Answer:

Ocean Currents and their Role in the Fishing Industry

Ocean currents play a vital role in the fishing industry by affecting the distribution of fish and other marine species. In this answer, we will describe the forces that influence ocean currents and their role in the fishing industry.

Forces That Influence Ocean Currents

Ocean currents are influenced by several forces, including:

Wind: Winds are a major driving force of ocean currents. The surface of the ocean is pushed in the direction of the wind, creating surface currents. These surface currents can then drive deeper currents through a process known as Ekman transport.

Coriolis Effect: The Coriolis Effect is a phenomenon that occurs due to the Earth’s rotation. As the Earth rotates, objects moving over its surface appear to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection affects ocean currents, causing them to flow clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Temperature and Salinity: Differences in temperature and salinity can also influence ocean currents. Cold water is denser than warm water, so it tends to sink and flow along the ocean floor. Similarly, water with a high salinity is denser than water with a low salinity, so it tends to sink and flow along the ocean floor.

Role of Ocean Currents in the Fishing Industry

Ocean currents have a significant impact on the distribution of fish and other marine species, which in turn affects the fishing industry. Here are some of the ways in which ocean currents influence the fishing industry:

Distribution of Fish: Ocean currents can affect the distribution of fish and other marine species by influencing their movement patterns. Fish tend to follow ocean currents, which can concentrate them in certain areas. This makes it easier for fishermen to target these areas and increase their catch.

Nutrient Transport: Ocean currents can also transport nutrients from one area to another. This can create areas of high productivity where phytoplankton and other primary producers thrive, providing a food source for fish and other marine species.

Oceanic Upwelling: Ocean currents can also create areas of upwelling, where deep, nutrient-rich water is brought to the surface. This can create ideal conditions for fishing, as it can increase the abundance of fish in these areas.

Fish Migration: Ocean currents can also affect the migration patterns of fish and other marine species. As currents change, so do the paths that fish take. This can make it difficult for fishermen to predict where fish will be located, making it more challenging to catch them.

In conclusion, ocean currents are influenced by several forces, including wind, the Coriolis Effect, and temperature and salinity differences. These currents have a significant impact on the fishing industry by affecting the distribution of fish and other marine species, nutrient transport, oceanic upwelling, and fish migration. As such, it is important for fishermen to understand how ocean currents work in order to optimize their catch and maintain sustainable fishing practices.

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