CSAT 2022

Q. The demographic dividend, which has begun in India and is expected to last another few decades, is a great window of opportunity.

Q. The demographic dividend, which has begun in India and is expected to last another few decades, is a great window of opportunity.

The demographic dividend is basically a swelling in the working age population, which conversely means that the relative ratio of very young and very old will, for a while, be on the decline. From the experience of Ireland and China, we know that this can be a source of energy and an engine of economic growth. The demographic dividend tends to raise a nation’s savings rate since in any nation, it is the working age population that is the main saver. And since the savings rate is an important driver of growth, this should help elevate our growth rate. However, the benefits of demographic dividend depend on the quality of the working age population. And this implies bringing back the importance of education, acquisition of skills and human capital.

Q. 1. Which of the following would invariably happen in a country, when the demographic dividend has begun to operate?
1. The number of illiterate people will decrease.
2. The ratio of very old and very young will decrease for a while
3. Population growth rate will quickly stabilize.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • a.  1 and 2 only
  • b. 2 only
  • c.  1 and 3 only
  • d. 1, 2 and 3

Q. 2. With reference to the passage, which of the following inferenaces can be drawn?
1. Demographic dividend is an essential condition for a country to rapidly increase its economic growth rate.
2. Promotion of higher education is an essential condition for a country for its rapid economic growth.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • a.  1 only
  • b. 2 only
  • c.  Both 1 and 2
  • d.  Neither 1 nor 2

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – b.   2 only

Explanation – The correct answer is b. 2 only. The demographic dividend is a period when the working-age population swells and the relative ratio of very young and very old decreases for a while . This can lead to an increase in savings rate and economic growth . However, it does not necessarily mean that the number of illiterate people will decrease or that population growth rate will quickly stabilize .

Q2: Correct Answer – d.    Neither 1 nor 2

Explanation – Statement 1 incorrect: As per the passage, demographic dividend provides a (great) opportunity for economic growth, as is exemplified by the lines “The demographic dividend, which has begun in India and is expected to last another few decades, is a great window of opportunity.” However, this does not imply that is an “essential condition” for economic growth. That means that economic growth might be possible even if a country is not in its demographic dividend phase.
Statement 2 incorrect: The passage only talks about the importance of education (acquisition of skills and human capital). It does specify higher education as such- For example, vocational education also helps in the acquisition of skills. Hence, based on the information provided in the passage, we cannot infer that higher education is an essential condition for a country for its rapid economic growth.

Q. The demographic dividend, which has begun in India and is expected to last another few decades, is a great window of opportunity. Read More »

Q. For two or three generations past, ever- increasing numbers of individuals have been living as workers merely, not as human beings.

Q. For two or three generations past, ever- increasing numbers of individuals have been living as workers merely, not as human beings.

An excessive amount of labour is rule today in every circle of society, with the result that man’s spiritual element cannot thrive. He finds it very difficult to spend his little leisure in serious activities. He does not want to think; or he cannot even if he wants to. He seeks not self-improvement, but entertainment which would enable him to be mentally idle and to forget his usual activities. Therefore, the so-called culture of cur age is dependent more on cinema than on theatre, more on newspapers, magazines and crime stories than on serious literature.

Q. 1. The passage is based on the idea that

  • a.    man should not work hard
  • b.   the great evil of our age us overstrain
  • c.    man cannot think well
  • d.   man cannot care for his spiritual welfare

Q. 2. Man does not seek self-improvement because he

  • a.    is not intellectually capable
  • b.   has no time to do so
  • c.    is distracted by materialism
  • d.   loves amusement and is mentally idle

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – b.   the great evil of our age us overstrain
Explanation – The passage is based on the idea that the great evil of our age is overstrain (option b). The author argues that due to excessive labor in every circle of society, individuals are living merely as workers and not as human beings. As a result, their spiritual element cannot thrive and they find it difficult to engage in serious activities during their limited leisure time. Instead of seeking self-improvement, they seek entertainment that allows them to be mentally idle and forget their usual activities. This has led to a culture that is more dependent on cinema than theater and more on newspapers and magazines than serious literature.

Q2: Correct Answer – b.   has no time to do so
Explanation – Option (b) is correct: A phrase from the passage states that “He finds it very difficult to spend his little
leisure in serious activities.” This statement reflects the unavailability of time, due to which man does not seek self-improvement

Q. For two or three generations past, ever- increasing numbers of individuals have been living as workers merely, not as human beings. Read More »

Q. If presents bring less thrill now that we are grown up, perhaps it is because we have too much already; or perhaps it is because we have lost the fullness of the joy of giving, and with it the fullness of the joy of receiving.

Q. If presents bring less thrill now that we are grown up, perhaps it is because we have too much already; or perhaps it is because we have lost the fullness of the joy of giving, and with it the fullness of the joy of receiving.

Children’s fears are poignant, their miseries are acute, but they do not look too forward nor too far backward. Their joys are clear and complete. because they have not yet learnt always to add ‘but’ to every proposition. Perhaps we are too cautious, too anxious, too sceptical. Perhaps. some of our cares would shrink if we thought less about them and entered with more single-minded enjoyment into the happiness that come our way.

Q. 1. With reference to the passage, which one of the following statements is correct?

a.  It is not possible for adults to feel thrilled by presents.
b. There can be more than one reason why adults feel less thrilled by presents.
c.  The author does not know why adults feel less thrilled by presents.
d. Adults have less capacity to feel the joy of loving or being loved.

Q. 2. The author of the passage is against

a. worrying too much about the past and future
b. being in the habit of thinking about presents
c.  not being thrilled by new things
d. giving and receiving joy only partially

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – b.   There can be more than one reason why adults feel less thrilled by presents.
Explanation – The correct answer is b. There can be more than one reason why adults feel less thrilled by presents. The passage suggests that the loss of thrill in receiving presents as an adult could be due to having too much already or losing the joy of giving and receiving. It also suggests that adults may have become too cautious, anxious or skeptical which could affect their ability to fully enjoy happiness that comes their way.

Q2: Correct Answer – a.    worrying too much about the past and future
Explanation – The correct answer is a. worrying too much about the past and future. The passage suggests that children’s joys are clear and complete because they do not look too far forward or backward. It also suggests that adults may have become too cautious, anxious or skeptical which could affect their ability to fully enjoy happiness that comes their way.

Q. If presents bring less thrill now that we are grown up, perhaps it is because we have too much already; or perhaps it is because we have lost the fullness of the joy of giving, and with it the fullness of the joy of receiving. Read More »

Q. In an economic organization, allowing mankind to benefit by the productivity of machines should lead to a very good life of leisure, and much leisure is apt to be tedious except to those who have intelligent activities and interests. If a leisured population is to be happy, it must be an educated population. and must be educated with a view to enjoyment as well as to the direct usefulness of technical knowledge.

Q. In an economic organization, allowing mankind to benefit by the productivity of machines should lead to a very good life of leisure, and much leisure is apt to be tedious except to those who have intelligent activities and interests. If a leisured population is to be happy, it must be an educated population. and must be educated with a view to enjoyment as well as to the direct usefulness of technical knowledge.

Q. 1. Which of the following statements best reflects the underlying tone of the passage?

a. Only an educated population can best make use of the benefits of economic progress.
b. All economic development should be aimed at the creation of leisure.
c. An increase in the educated population of a country leads to an increase in the happiness of its people.
d. Use of machines should be encouraged in order to create a large leisured population.

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – a.    Only an educated population can best make use of the benefits of economic progress.

Explanation – Based on the given passage, the statement that best reflects the underlying tone of the passage is: a. Only an educated population can best make use of the benefits of economic progress. The passage suggests that for a leisured population to be happy, it must be educated with a view to enjoyment as well as to the direct usefulness of technical knowledge.

Q. In an economic organization, allowing mankind to benefit by the productivity of machines should lead to a very good life of leisure, and much leisure is apt to be tedious except to those who have intelligent activities and interests. If a leisured population is to be happy, it must be an educated population. and must be educated with a view to enjoyment as well as to the direct usefulness of technical knowledge. Read More »

Q. The social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all other rights. Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions.

Q. The social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all other rights. Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions.

Q. 1. With reference to the above passage, which of the following statements is/are correct?
1.  Conventions are the sources of rights of man.
2.  Rights of man can be exercised only when there is a social order.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • a.  1 only
  • b.  2 only
  • c.  Both 1 and 2
  • d.  Neither 1 nor 2

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – c.    Both 1 and 2
Explanation – Based on the passage, it seems that both statements 1 and 2 are correct. The passage states that the social order is a sacred right and the basis of all other rights. However, this right does not come from nature and must be founded on conventions. This implies that conventions are the sources of rights of man (statement 1). Additionally, since the social order is the basis of all other rights, it can be inferred that rights of man can only be exercised when there is a social order (statement 2). Therefore, the correct answer would be c. Both 1 and 2.

Q. The social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all other rights. Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions. Read More »

Q. The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are generally, easily influenced by the opinions of others.

Q. The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are generally, easily influenced by the opinions of others.

They permit the newspapers and the gossiping neighbours to do their thinking for them. Opinions are the cheapest commodities on the earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon by anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by opinions when you reach decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking.

Q. 1. Which one of the following is implied by the passage?

a. Most of the people do not accumulate money for their needs.
b. Most of the people never fail to accumulate money for their needs.
c. There are people who fail to accumulate money for their needs.
d. There is no need to accumulate money.

Q. 2. What is the main idea of the passage?

a. People should not be influenced by the opinions of others.
b. People should accumulate as much money as they can
c. People should neither give nor accept the opinions.
d. People will succeed in any undertaking if they do not accept any opinion at all.

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – c.    There are people who fail to accumulate money for their needs.
Explanation – The implied statement in the passage is that “there are people who fail to accumulate money for their needs” (Option C). The passage explains that such people are easily influenced by the opinions of others, and they let the newspapers and gossiping neighbours do their thinking for them. According to the author, opinions are cheap commodities, and if you let them influence your decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking.

Q2: Correct Answer – a.    People should not be influenced by the opinions of others.
Explanation – The main idea of the passage is that people should not be influenced by the opinions of others when making decisions. So the correct answer is a. “People should not be influenced by the opinions of others.” The passage states that “If you are influenced by opinions when you reach decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking,” which implies that people should make their own decisions and not be swayed by the opinions of others.

Q. The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are generally, easily influenced by the opinions of others. Read More »

Q. How best can the problems of floods and droughts be addressed so that the losses are minimal and the system becomes resilient?

Q. How best can the problems of floods and droughts be addressed so that the losses are minimal and the system becomes resilient?

In this context, one important point that needs to be noted is that India gets too much’ water (about 75% of annual precipitation) during 120 days (June to September) and too little’ for the remaining 245 days. This skewed water availability has to be managed and regulated for its consumption throughout the year.

Q. Which one of the following best reflects the practical, rational and lasting solution?

a. Constructing huge concrete storage tanks and canals across the country
b. Changing the cropping patterns and farming practices
c. Interlinking of rivers across the country
d. Buffer stocking of water through dams and recharging aquifers

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – d.   Buffer stocking of water through dams and recharging aquifers
Explanation – The practical, rational, and lasting solution to address the problems of floods and droughts in India would be a combination of measures that focus on managing and regulating water availability throughout the year. This would involve implementing a range of strategies to minimize losses, increase resilience, and ensure sustainable water use.

Out of the options provided, option (d) – buffer stocking of water through dams and recharging aquifers – would be the most appropriate solution for managing water availability in India. This involves constructing dams and reservoirs to capture and store excess water during the monsoon season, which can then be used during periods of drought. Additionally, measures such as recharging aquifers and promoting rainwater harvesting can help to replenish groundwater resources, which are critical for agricultural and domestic use.

Q. How best can the problems of floods and droughts be addressed so that the losses are minimal and the system becomes resilient? Read More »

Q. To encourage research is one of the functions of a university.

Q. To encourage research is one of the functions of a university.

Contemporary universities have encouraged research, not only in those cases where research is necessary, but on all sorts of entirely unprofitable subjects as well. Scientific research is probably never completely valueless. However silly and insignificant it may seem, however mechanical and unintelligent the labours of the researchers, there is always a chance that the results may be of value to the investigator of talent, who can use the facts collected for him by uninspired but industrious researchers as the basis of some fruitful generalization. But where research is not original, but consists in the mere rearrangement of existing materials, where its object is not scientific but literary or historical, then there is a risk of the whole business becoming merely futile.

Q. 1. The author’s assumption about scientific research is that

  • a. it is never very valuable
  • b. it is sometimes very valuable
  • c. it is never without some value
  • d.it is always very valuable

Q. 2. According to the author

  • a. not many research results can be of value to an intelligent investigator
  • b. a research result is always valuable to an intelligent investigator
  • c. any research result can be of value to an intelligent investigator
  • d. a research result must always be of some value to an intelligent investigator

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – c.    it is never without some value
Explanation – The author’s assumption about scientific research is that it is never without some value. The author states that “Scientific research is probably never completely valueless” and that even if the research may seem silly and insignificant or mechanical and unintelligent, there is always a chance that the results may be of value to an investigator of talent. Therefore, the correct answer is c. it is never without some value.

Q2: Correct Answer – c.    there are no evidences to refute it
Explanation – According to the author, any research result can be of value to an intelligent investigator. The author states that even if the research may seem silly and insignificant or mechanical and unintelligent, there is always a chance that the results may be of value to an investigator of talent. Therefore, the correct answer is c. any research result can be of value to an intelligent investigator.

Q. To encourage research is one of the functions of a university. Read More »

Q. Unless the forces and tendencies which are responsible for destroying the country’s environment are checked in the near future and afforestation of denuded areas is taken up on a massive scale, the harshness of the climatic conditions and soil erosion by wind and water will increase to such an extent that agriculture, which is the mainstay of our people, will gradually become impossible.

Q. Unless the forces and tendencies which are responsible for destroying the country’s environment are checked in the near future and afforestation of denuded areas is taken up on a massive scale, the harshness of the climatic conditions and soil erosion by wind and water will increase to such an extent that agriculture, which is the mainstay of our people, will gradually become impossible.

The desert countries of the world and our own desert areas in Rajasthan are a grim reminder of the consequences of large-scale deforestation. Pockets of desert-like landscape are now appearing in other parts of the country including the Sutlej-Ganga Plains and the Deccan Plateau. Where only a few decades back there used to be lush green forests with perennial streams and springs, there is only brown earth, bare of vegetation, without any water in the streams and springs except in the rainy season.

Q. 1. According to the passage given above, deforestation and denudation will ultimately lead to which of the following?
1.    Depletion of soil resource
2.    Shortage of land for the common man
3.    Lack of water for cultivation
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • a.    1 and 2 only
  • b.   2 and 3 only
  • c.    1 and 3 only
  • d.   1, 2 and 3

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – c.    1 and 3 only
Explanation – The passage states that if the forces and tendencies responsible for destroying the country’s environment are not checked in the near future and afforestation of denuded areas is not taken up on a massive scale, then soil erosion by wind and water will increase to such an extent that agriculture will gradually become impossible. This implies that deforestation and denudation will lead to depletion of soil resource (option 1) and lack of water for cultivation (option 3). Therefore, the correct answer is c. 1 and 3 only.

Q. Unless the forces and tendencies which are responsible for destroying the country’s environment are checked in the near future and afforestation of denuded areas is taken up on a massive scale, the harshness of the climatic conditions and soil erosion by wind and water will increase to such an extent that agriculture, which is the mainstay of our people, will gradually become impossible. Read More »

Q. The main threat to maintaining progress in human development comes from the increasingly evident unsustainability of production and consumption patterns.

Q. The main threat to maintaining progress in human development comes from the increasingly evident unsustainability of production and consumption patterns.

Current production models rely heavily on fossil fuels. We now know that this is unsustainable because the resources are finite. The close link between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions needs to be severed for human development to become truly sustainable. Some developed countries have begun to alleviate the worst effects by expanding recycling and investing in public transport and infrastructure. But most developing countries are hampered by the high costs and low availability of clean energy sources. Developed countries need to support developing countries’ transition to sustainable human development.

Q. 1. Unsustainability in production pattern is due to which of the following?
1.  Heavy dependence on fossil fuels
2.  Limited availability of resources
3.  Expansion of recycling
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • a.  1 and 2 only
  • b.  2 only
  • c.  1 and 3 only
  • d. 1, 2 and 3

Q. 2. Consider the following statements:
Developed countries can support developing countries’ transition to sustainable human development by
1. making clean energy sources available at low cost
2. providing loans for improving their public transport at nominal interest rates
3. encouraging them to change their production and consumption patterns
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  • a.  1 only
  • b. 1 and 2 only
  • c.  2 and 3 only
  • d. 1, 2 and 3

Question from UPSC Prelims 2022 CSAT Paper

Explanation : 
Q1: Correct Answer – a.    1 and 2 only
Explanation – The correct answer is a. 1 and 2 only. The unsustainability in production pattern is due to heavy dependence on fossil fuels and limited availability of resources. Expansion of recycling is a measure taken by some developed countries to alleviate the worst effects of unsustainable production patterns, but it is not a cause of unsustainability in production patterns.

Q2: Correct Answer – d.   1, 2 and 3
Explanation – The correct answer is d. 1, 2 and 3. All three statements are correct ways in which developed countries can support developing countries’ transition to sustainable human development. Developed countries can make clean energy sources available at low cost, provide loans for improving public transport at nominal interest rates and encourage developing countries to change their production and consumption patterns.

Q. The main threat to maintaining progress in human development comes from the increasingly evident unsustainability of production and consumption patterns. Read More »