2021 GS4 Answer

Q. Identify five ethical traits on which one can plot the performance of a civil servant. Justify their inclusion in the matrix.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Ethical Traits Matrix for Civil Servants’ Performance

Ethical traits are crucial in evaluating the performance of civil servants, as they directly impact the quality of governance and public trust. A matrix based on these traits can help assess and improve civil servants’ conduct. Here are five essential ethical traits for such a matrix:

1. Integrity:

• Definition: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty in all actions.
• Justification: Integrity is the foundation of public trust. It ensures that civil servants make decisions based on public interest rather than personal gain.
• Example: Refusing bribes, even when unobserved.

2. Accountability:

• Definition: Taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions.
• Justification: Accountability promotes transparency and ensures that civil servants are answerable for their conduct, fostering public confidence.
• Example: Admitting mistakes and rectifying them.

3. Impartiality:

• Definition: Treating all citizens equally without bias or favoritism.
• Justification: Impartiality is essential for fair governance and equal treatment of all citizens, regardless of their background or status.
• Example: Allocating resources based on need.

4. Dedication to Public Service:

• Definition: Commitment to serving the public interest above personal interests.
• Justification: This trait ensures that civil servants prioritize societal welfare over individual gain, leading to better policy implementation and service delivery.
• Example: Working overtime during crises without compensation.

5. Professionalism:

• Definition: Maintaining high standards of competence, efficiency, and conduct.
• Justification: Professionalism ensures that civil servants perform their duties effectively, maintaining public confidence in government institutions.
• Example: Continuous learning and skill development.

Conclusion: This ethical trait matrix provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating and enhancing civil servants’ performance, ultimately improving governance and public trust.

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