UPSC GS2 2024

Q. What are the aims and objects of recently passed and enforced, The Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024? Whether University/State Education Board examinations, too, are covered under the Act?

UPSC Mains 2024 GS2 Paper

Model Answer:

The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024

The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024 aims to prevent unfair practices in public examinations conducted by specified authorities. The key aims and objects of the Bill include:

1. Preventing unfair means: The Bill defines and prohibits various unfair practices such as paper leaks, assisting candidates during exams, tampering with computer networks, and conducting fake examinations.

2. Punitive measures: It establishes strict penalties for offenses, including imprisonment of 3-5 years and fines up to Rs 10 lakh for individuals, and up to Rs 1 crore for service providers.

3. Accountability of service providers: The Bill mandates reporting of violations by service providers and imposes severe penalties for non-compliance or direct involvement in offenses.

4. Tackling organized crime: It defines and provides harsher punishments for organized crimes related to public examinations, including imprisonment of 5-10 years and fines of at least Rs 1 crore.

5. Investigative framework: The Bill establishes procedures for inquiry and investigation of offenses, making them cognizable, non-bailable, and non-compoundable.

Scope of examinations covered:

The Bill applies to examinations conducted by specified authorities, including:
– Union Public Service Commission
– Staff Selection Commission
– Railway Recruitment Board
– National Testing Agency
– Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
– Central government departments and attached offices for recruitment

University and State Education Board examinations are not explicitly mentioned in the list of covered examinations. However, the central government has the authority to notify additional examination authorities under the Bill’s purview.

Conclusion: The Bill aims to comprehensively address unfair practices in public examinations through prevention, punishment, and improved accountability.

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