2022 GS4 Answer

Q. “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.” – Abdul Kalam.

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Abdul Kalam was a former President of India and a well-known scientist who emphasized the importance of ethics, integrity, and education for the development of the nation. His quote, “If a country is to be corruption-free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother, and the teacher,” highlights the vital role played by these three members in creating a better society.

II. The role of the father

A. Moral guidance
The father plays a critical role in providing moral guidance to their children. They can instill values such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others. They can teach their children to distinguish between right and wrong, and to make ethical decisions.

B. Setting an example
Fathers can set an example by practicing what they preach. They can demonstrate ethical behavior in their personal and professional lives. They can show their children that honesty, hard work, and fairness are essential for success and happiness.

III. The role of the mother

A. Character development
The mother is responsible for the character development of their children. They can instill values such as compassion, empathy, and kindness. They can teach their children to be responsible and accountable for their actions.

B. Building a strong moral foundation
Mothers can build a strong moral foundation by creating a nurturing environment at home. They can foster an atmosphere of love, trust, and mutual respect. They can teach their children to value relationships and to treat others with dignity and respect.

IV. The role of the teacher

A. Imparting knowledge
Teachers play a critical role in imparting knowledge and skills to their students. They can teach them about the importance of ethics and integrity in their personal and professional lives. They can provide guidance on making ethical decisions and taking responsibility for their actions.

B. Shaping the future
Teachers can shape the future by molding the minds of their students. They can inspire them to pursue their passions and to become responsible citizens. They can teach them to be critical thinkers and problem solvers, who can contribute to the betterment of society.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, Abdul Kalam’s quote highlights the critical role played by fathers, mothers, and teachers in creating a corruption-free and intellectually developed nation. They are the key societal members who can make a difference in building a better society. By instilling values, building a strong moral foundation, and imparting knowledge, they can create a generation of beautiful minds who can shape the future of the nation.

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