2022 GS3 Answer

Q. Explain the causes and effects of coastal erosion in India. What are the available coastal management techniques for combating the hazard ?

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS3 Paper

Model Answer: 

Coastal erosion is the wearing away of coastal land due to natural processes such as wave action, tides, currents, and storms. India’s extensive coastline of approximately 7,517 kilometers is vulnerable to coastal erosion, which poses significant threats to coastal communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems.

Causes of Coastal Erosion in India:

There are several causes of coastal erosion in India, including:

Natural Causes:

Coastal geomorphology and geology: India’s coastline is mainly composed of soft sedimentary rocks and sand, which are easily eroded by wave action and currents.

Sea level rise: Sea level rise due to global warming and climate change is causing the erosion of the shoreline in some areas.

Monsoon weather patterns: The heavy rainfall and high winds associated with monsoon weather patterns can cause erosion of the coastline.

Anthropogenic Causes:

Shoreline modification: Human activities such as construction of jetties, seawalls, and dredging, disrupt the natural flow of sediment, leading to erosion.

Sand mining: Sand mining for construction activities and other purposes can lead to coastal erosion as it disturbs the sediment balance.

Pollution: Pollution from industrial and domestic sources can degrade coastal habitats, making them more vulnerable to erosion.

Effects of Coastal Erosion in India:

Coastal erosion has several impacts in India, including:

Loss of Land and Property:

Coastal erosion can result in the loss of valuable agricultural land, residential and commercial properties, and infrastructure like roads and bridges.

It can also lead to the displacement of coastal communities and the loss of livelihoods.

Environmental Impacts:

Coastal erosion can have significant impacts on coastal ecosystems, including the loss of biodiversity, habitats, and wetlands.

It can also lead to the release of pollutants from eroding soils, causing water pollution.

Economic Impacts:

Coastal erosion can impact tourism and fishing industries, which are significant contributors to the Indian economy.

Coastal Management Techniques for Combating Coastal Erosion:

Several techniques are available for combating coastal erosion in India, including:

Soft Engineering Techniques:

Beach nourishment: The addition of sediment to eroding beaches can help to build up the shoreline.

Dune restoration: Restoring dunes can help to stabilize the beach and prevent erosion.

Vegetation planting: Planting vegetation such as mangroves and beach grasses can help to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.

Hard Engineering Techniques:

Seawalls and revetments: These structures are built along the shoreline to prevent erosion from wave action.

Breakwaters: These structures are built offshore to break the force of waves before they reach the shore.

Groynes: These structures are built perpendicular to the shoreline to trap sediment and prevent it from being washed away.

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM):

ICZM is a holistic approach to coastal management that considers social, economic, and environmental factors. It includes the following components:

Coastal zone planning

Coastal regulation

Coastal resource management

Disaster management


Coastal erosion is a significant hazard in India with numerous impacts on communities, infrastructure, and the environment. Combating coastal erosion requires a range of techniques that address the root causes of erosion while considering the social, economic, and environmental factors in coastal management.

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