2022 GS4 Answer

Q. Russia and Ukraine war has been going on for the last seven months. Different countries have taken independent stands and actions keeping in view their own national interests. We are all aware that war has its own impact on the different aspects of society, including human tragedy. What are those ethical issues that are crucial to be considered while launching the war and its continuation so far? Illustrate with justification the ethical issues involved in the given state of affair.

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS4 Paper

Model Answer: 

Ethical Issues in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine raises a number of ethical issues that need to be considered. These ethical issues are important to ensure that the war is conducted in a way that is consistent with the values of justice and human rights. In the Indian context, the following ethical issues need to be considered:

Principle of Non-Intervention

India has traditionally supported the principle of non-intervention in the affairs of other countries. This principle is important because it helps to ensure that countries are free to pursue their own political, economic, and social agendas without interference from external actors. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is important to consider whether any external actors are intervening in the conflict and whether this intervention is consistent with the principle of non-intervention.

Principle of Proportionality

Principle of proportionality states that the harm caused by military action should be proportional to the military objective being pursued. This principle is important because it helps to ensure that military action is not disproportionate or excessive. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is important to consider whether the harm being caused by the military action is proportional to the military objectives being pursued.

Principle of Humanity

Principle of humanity states that the dignity and welfare of human beings should be respected at all times. This principle is important because it helps to ensure that military action does not result in unnecessary harm to civilians or other non-combatants. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is important to consider whether the military action is respecting the dignity and welfare of civilians and non-combatants.

Principle of Just War

Principle of just war states that war should only be waged in response to a grave and lasting threat and that the means used should be proportionate to the threat. This principle is important because it helps to ensure that military action is only taken when it is necessary and that the means used are not excessive. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is important to consider whether the war is being waged in response to a grave and lasting threat and whether the means being used are proportionate to the threat.

Principle of National Interest

Principle of national interest states that a country’s foreign policy should be guided by its own interests. This principle is important because it helps to ensure that countries are free to pursue their own interests without interference from external actors. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is important to consider whether India’s stance on the conflict is consistent with its own national interests.

In conclusion, the Russia-Ukraine conflict raises a number of ethical issues that need to be considered. These issues are important because they help to ensure that the conflict is conducted in a way that is consistent with the values of justice and human rights. The Indian context is relevant to the discussion because India’s foreign policy is guided by its own national interests and values.

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