UPSC GS3 2024

Q. What are the major challenges faced by Indian irrigation system in recent times? State the measures taken by the government for efficient irrigation management.

UPSC Mains 2024 GS3 Paper

Model Answer:

The Indian irrigation system, crucial for agricultural productivity and food security, faces several challenges in recent times:

• Water scarcity: Overexploitation of groundwater and declining water table levels have led to acute shortages in many regions. The Central Ground Water Board reports that 1,186 out of 6,881 assessed units are over-exploited.

• Low water use efficiency: Outdated infrastructure and poor maintenance result in significant water losses. The average water use efficiency in Indian irrigation systems is only about 38%, far below global standards.

• Inequitable distribution: Uneven access to irrigation facilities has widened the gap between water-rich and water-poor areas, affecting agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods.

• Environmental concerns: Waterlogging and soil salinity, often resulting from improper irrigation practices, have degraded agricultural lands. Approximately 6.73 million hectares are affected by soil salinity and alkalinity.

• Climate change impacts: Altered precipitation patterns and increased frequency of extreme weather events pose challenges to water availability and irrigation planning.

To address these challenges, the government has implemented several measures:

• Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY): Launched in 2015, this scheme aims to extend irrigation coverage and improve water use efficiency.

• Micro-irrigation initiatives: Promotion of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems to enhance water use efficiency. The area under micro-irrigation has increased from 1.42 million hectares in 2005-06 to 8.7 million hectares in 2019-20.

• Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) program: Focuses on improving irrigation potential utilization and optimizing agricultural productivity.

• National Water Policy reforms: The 2012 policy emphasizes integrated water resources management and promotes participatory irrigation management.

• Water-efficient practices: Encouragement of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and crop diversification to reduce water consumption in agriculture.

Conclusion: Effective implementation of these measures is crucial for sustainable water management and ensuring long-term food security in India.

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