2022 GS2 Answer

Q. Critically examine the procedures through which the Presidents of India and France are elected.

Question from UPSC Mains 2022 GS2 Paper

Model Answer: 

Election Procedures for Presidents of India and France

The election procedures for the Presidents of India and France represent distinct approaches within democratic systems, reflecting their unique constitutional frameworks and political cultures.

India’s presidential election is an indirect process:
• Electoral college comprises MPs and MLAs
• Nomination requires 50 proposers and 50 seconders
• Single transferable vote system used
• Value of each vote calculated based on population representation

France, in contrast, employs a direct election method:
• Two-round popular vote system
• Candidates need 500 signatures from elected officials
• First round open to all qualified candidates
• Top two proceed to second round if no majority is achieved

Examination of both procedures:

1. Democratic legitimacy:
– India’s system ensures federal representation but may seem less directly democratic
– France’s direct election provides clear mandate but may overlook regional interests

2. Complexity and transparency:
– India’s vote value calculation (e.g., UP vs. Sikkim) can be complex for public understanding
– France’s system is more straightforward but campaign financing regulations add complexity

3. Political party influence:
– In India, party lines often determine electoral college votes
– French system allows for broader public engagement, potentially reducing party control

4. Regional balance:
– India’s method aims to balance state and national interests
– France’s system may favor populous regions, potentially marginalizing rural areas

5. National unity:
– India’s process encourages cross-state political negotiations
– France’s direct election can lead to divisive campaigns (e.g., Le Pen vs. Macron)

Both systems have merits and drawbacks. India’s procedure emphasizes federal structure and state representation, while France prioritizes direct democratic participation. The choice reflects each nation’s unique political priorities and historical contexts.

Conclusion: Each system balances democratic ideals with national needs, showcasing diverse approaches to presidential selection in republican democracies.

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