2021 GS2 Answer

Q. “The USA is facing an existential threat in the form of a China, that is much more challenging than the erstwhile Soviet Union.” Explain.

Question from UPSC Mains 2021 GS2 Paper

Model Answer: 

The United States of America has been a superpower in the world for a long time. However, its dominance is being threatened by China, which is becoming an increasingly powerful economic and military force. In this answer, we will explore why China poses a more significant challenge to the USA than the Soviet Union did.

Economic Threat:

China’s economy has grown at an unprecedented rate over the last few decades, making it the second-largest economy in the world. This rapid growth has allowed China to become a major trading partner with countries around the world, including the USA. Here are some ways in which China’s economic power is a threat to the USA:

  • China has a massive trade surplus with the USA, which means that it exports much more to the USA than it imports. This trade imbalance is a significant economic threat to the USA.
  • China has become a leader in many industries, such as technology and renewable energy, which were previously dominated by the USA. This has led to a loss of jobs and economic power in the USA.
  • China’s economic influence extends to other countries around the world, many of which are becoming more reliant on China’s economic power. This could lead to a shift in global power away from the USA.

Military Threat:

China’s military power has grown along with its economy. Here are some ways in which China’s military power is a threat to the USA:

  • China has invested heavily in modernizing its military, with a particular focus on developing advanced technology, such as stealth aircraft and hypersonic missiles.
  • China has territorial disputes with several of its neighbors, including Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines. These disputes could escalate into military conflict, which would pose a direct threat to the USA’s interests in the region.
  • China has been expanding its military presence in the South China Sea, which is a vital shipping lane for the USA and other countries. This could lead to a conflict over access to these waters.

Political Threat:

China’s political system is fundamentally different from that of the USA. China is a one-party state with a centrally planned economy, while the USA is a democracy with a market-based economy. Here are some ways in which China’s political system is a threat to the USA:

  • China’s political system allows for greater control over its population and economy, which can be used to exert influence on other countries. For example, China has been accused of using its economic power to influence other countries’ policies.
  • China’s government has been accused of human rights abuses, such as the treatment of the Uyghur population in Xinjiang. These abuses could lead to diplomatic tensions between the USA and China.
  • China’s government has also been accused of engaging in cyberattacks and espionage against the USA and other countries. These actions could pose a significant threat to the USA’s national security.


China’s rise as a global power is a significant challenge to the USA’s dominance. Its economic, military, and political power pose a threat to the USA’s interests around the world. While the Soviet Union was a significant threat during the Cold War, China’s challenge is more complex and multifaceted, requiring a different approach to managing the relationship between the two countries.

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