UPSC GS4 2024

Q. There is a technological company named ABC Incorporated which is the second largest worldwide, situated in the Third World.

You are the Chief Executive Officer and the majority shareholder of this company. The fast technological improvements have raised worries among environmental activists, regulatory authorities, and the general public over the sustainability of this scenario. You confront substantial issues about the business’s environmental footprint. In 2023, your organization had a significant increase of 48% in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the levels recorded in 2019. The significant rise in energy consumption is mainly due to the surging energy requirements of your data centers, fuelled by the exponential expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI-powered services need much more computational resources and electrical energy compared to conventional online activities, notwithstanding their notable gains. The technology’s proliferation has led to a growing concern over the environmental repercussions, resulting in an increase in warnings.
Al models, especially those used in extensive machine learning and data processing, exhibit much greater energy consumption than conventional computer tasks, with an exponential increase. Although there is already a commitment and goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2030, the challenge of lowering emissions seems overwhelming as the integration of AI continues to increase. To achieve this goal, substantial investments in renewable energy use would be necessary. The difficulty is exacerbated by the competitive environment of the technology sector, where rapid innovation is essential for preserving market standing and shareholders’ worth. To achieve a balance between innovation, profitability and sustainability, a strategic move is necessary that is in line with both, business objectives and ethical obligations.

a) What is your immediate response to the challenges posed in the above case?

b) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the above case.

c) Your company has been identified to be penalized by technological giants. What logical and ethical arguments will you put forth to convince about its necessity?

d) Being a conscience being, what measures would you adopt to maintain balance between Al innovation and environmental footprint?

UPSC Mains 2024 GS4 Ethics Paper

Model Answer:

a) Immediate response to challenges:

• Acknowledge the gravity of the 48% increase in emissions since 2019
• Initiate an urgent, comprehensive review of data center energy consumption patterns
• Form a high-level task force to accelerate renewable energy adoption across operations
• Communicate transparently with all stakeholders about the challenges faced and the detailed action plan to address them
• Reassess and potentially adjust the 2030 net-zero emissions goal in light of AI-driven growth

b) Ethical issues involved:

• Balancing environmental responsibility against the imperative for technological progress
• Reconciling short-term profitability demands with long-term sustainability goals
• Navigating the tension between shareholder interests and broader societal impact
• Addressing the ethical implications of AI’s energy-intensive nature and its environmental consequences
• Fulfilling the responsibility towards future generations while meeting present-day technological needs

c) Arguments for the necessity of AI:

• AI’s transformative potential to solve complex global problems, including critical environmental issues
• Driving economic growth and creating high-quality jobs in developing countries
• Significantly improving quality of life through advanced technological solutions in healthcare, education, and public services
• Maintaining competitiveness in the global market to ensure national technological sovereignty
• Leveraging AI to optimize resource utilization and enhance energy efficiency across industries

d) Measures to balance AI innovation and environmental footprint:

• Invest aggressively in cutting-edge renewable energy solutions for all data centers
• Prioritize the development and implementation of highly energy-efficient AI algorithms
• Implement a comprehensive, verifiable carbon offset program to mitigate unavoidable emissions
• Spearhead industry-wide collaboration on sustainable AI practices and standards
• Set ambitious, transparent sustainability targets with regular, detailed public reporting
• Allocate substantial R&D resources to pioneering green computing technologies
Conclusion: Achieving equilibrium between AI innovation and sustainability demands bold action, ethical leadership, and unwavering commitment to technological responsibility.

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