Mains 2024 GS1
UPSC Mains 2024 GS1 Solution
Enhance your UPSC Mains 2025 preparation with our thorough answers for General Studies Paper 1 (GS1) 2024. Our website offers extensive coverage of subjects such as Indian Heritage, World History, Geography, and Society. Boost your study approach with our specialized insights and comprehensive explanations designed to help you excel in the UPSC Mains examination.
UPSC Mains 2024 GS1 Solution
Click on Question to see Model Answer
3. What were the events that led to the Quit India Movement? Point out its results.
4. What is sea surface temperature rise? How does it affect the formation of tropical cyclones?
6. What is the phenomenon of ‘cloudbursts’? Explain.
15. What are aurora australis and aurora borealis? How are these triggered?
16. What is a twister? Why are the majority of twisters observed in areas around the Gulf of Mexico?
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